Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Week Two Term Three News


Kaurihohore School Week Two, Term Three 2024

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau, 

We’ve had a great start to Term 3.  It has been wonderful to see children enthusiastic to be back at school and classes have gotten off to a productive start.  A big welcome to all of our new families of our youngest learners.  We know you will enjoy being part of our Kaurihohore whānau.

I want to take the time to thank our wonderful teachers for the time they took in writing the dispositional reports.  When I read these reports, I get a sense that their teacher really knows them and what makes them unique.  I hope that you enjoyed reading these reports too.  They certainly take a lot of time and energy to write.

Our teachers deserve a massive pat on the back for all the wonderful rich information they provide whānau about the learning of their tamariki.  

I look forward to seeing all that our children can achieve this term.

Leslee Allen


I am looking forward to great attendance levels this term.  Please remember that any time off does impact children socially and academically and should be avoided unless a child is sick.  Regular attendance is counted as 90% and I am hoping that the majority of our school can achieve that this term.  Last term we only had 60% of our children attending regularly.  Our data shows us children are more likely to be away on Fridays and Mondays, we would really like to turn this around.

I did want to take the time to share a teacher's perspective on attendance and how irregular attendance impacts on our ability to do our job.

  1. We set aside days for assessment, when a child is not there, this means we have to find pockets of time to catch them up.  Believe me, pockets of time are hard to find!

  2. We cover A LOT in a day, even a day off means children miss crucial learning.  We then have to spend time catching them up.  

  3. Fridays are just as important as every other day of the week, in fact Fridays are often when we will fit in topic areas like Art, Science and work on strand areas of Maths.  

  4. Many of our children receive learning support from us one on one, when they are not there regularly it is really frustrating as it impacts their progress, research shows us that it is regular repetition and practice that makes the biggest difference to learning.

We understand that sometimes days off are unavoidable, but we do want to make it clear that attendance is so incredibly important and we would love to have every child at school regularly to allow us to do our jobs even more effectively.

Conduct On School Site

Please understand that children hear how you speak and see how you act.  They are always watching you.  When on school grounds we ask that you speak in kind and respectful ways and show others consideration and patience.  We understand that everyone does have bad days, but it is unfair to then take this out on others.  As we say to our children, it is ok to feel angry, but it is not ok for this anger to then impact others.  We are a whānau, I am always impressed with how tight our school community is, let’s keep it that way.

We are role models for not only our children, but when on school site, all other children that we interact with.  Remember, we can not control the actions of others, but we can control how we respond.

Whānau Conferences

The link to book these was sent home at the beginning of last week.  These are an opportunity to clarify anything about the reporting you have seen on your child and ask any questions that you may have.  We acknowledge that you receive a lot of information home, so if there is nothing you specifically want to discuss, please do not feel you have to make an appointment.  Year 4 - 6 children may come to the appointment with you if you want them to do so, however they do not have to.  Bookings for these close tomorrow.  If you need help booking one, please see the office.  Bookings will be closed after tomorrow.

Please remember that you are welcome to come into your child’s class at any stage before or after school and catch up with your child’s teacher informally, or make an appointment any time when concerns or questions may arise.

Don’t forget children will be out at the courtyard by 1pm on this day and need to be collected by 1.15pm to allow us to start interviews at 1.30pm.

Pick Up And Drop Off

We acknowledge that these are not the easiest times of day, we thank you for showing consideration to each other and ensuring the line flows smoothly.  The line was almost clear by 3.05pm on Tuesday, which I think is pretty good going.  If there is no parking at the end of the day, you are welcome to park in the church car park, but please shut the gate if you are the last out.

Fundraising Term Two  

Don’t miss out, get your orders sorted now via Kindo


School Disco 

Friday the 30th of August at the Hikurangi clubrooms.  $8 per ticket, these are available through the office or via Kindo.

We are very grateful to PAK’nSAVE Whangārei for providing us with a $100 voucher, this will be very helpful and allow us to make the most of funds raised.  We are grateful for the support.

Library Bus

This will now be with us on Fridays, this will be the first week and then they come once a fortnight.

Out of Zone Applications - 2025

These will open on the 2nd of September, on the 12th of September we will be having an open afternoon for any whānau thinking of coming to our school.

Chelsea will be in touch with those on our waiting list, but you may know of others that might wish to apply.  We’d appreciate it if you could alert them to the timings around this.  Applications will close on the 15th of October.  We will advertise the number of places and what year levels have places very soon.

School Cross Country

This will be held on the 21st of August and more details around timing will come home soon.  Our children are great little runners (as proved by the sponsored colour run) but they may like to start doing some training at home too.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 

Chrissie -

Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in


Known Term  Dates 

22nd of July - First day of Term 3

8th of August - Whānau conferences 1.30pm - 7pm (school finishes at 1pm)

21st of August - School Cross Country 

30th of August - School Disco

4th of September - WPSSA Cross Country for those that qualify

24th of September - Empty Classroom Day

27th of September - Last day of Term 3 - Awards assembly 2.10pm 

14th of October - First day of Term 4

14th of October - Life Education Bus Arrives for the week

21st of October - Teachers only day 

23rd of October - Calf Club and Flower Day

28th of October - Labour Day

31st of October - Halloween Fundraiser

13th of November - Senior School Athletics

13th of December - Junior awards (time to be advised)

16th of December - Senior awards (time to be advised)

18th of December - Last day of Term 4

Tentative First Day Back 2025  - Monday 3rd of February 2025

School Bank Account Details - 

All payments now go through the one account.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought… It is that old adage, if you have nothing nice to say, stay quiet.

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