Wednesday, February 5, 2025

School News - Week One


Kaurihohore School Week One, Term One 2025

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau, nau mai hoki mai, welcome back!  

A big welcome to all of our new whānau, we look forward to getting to know you and your children this year.

We will always endeavour to do our best for you and your children, we look forward to working together with you in this partnership.

Please ensure all children have a full brimmed hat, or a hat with a flap at the back at school each day.  No caps please.  Also ensure their clothes are named and that they recognise their own belongings.  Our lost property was appalling last year.  

We look forward to another great year here at Kaurihohore.

Leslee Allen

Pick up and Drop Off

Please read the information sent home regarding drop off and pick up.  Children in Room 1 - 5 will come out at 3.50pm.  If you have a child in Room 6 - 9 they will come out to the courtyard when the bell goes at 3.55pm.  If a class is swimming in that last 2.30pm slot, they are likely to be quite slow coming out.  

 If you have a child in the older class, please come to pick up at the later time indicated.  This should reduce pressure on the line and ease waiting times.

When pulling up into the line, pull up as far as you can, don’t stop in front of the gate, this allows us to get more cars into the line and more children into cars.

If your child is slow getting into the car at the end of the day, it may be easier to find a park and come in and collect them, this will avoid holding up the line.

 If you think your child may not recognise the vehicle that is picking them up, or we might not know the adult by sight, it is possibly best to tell them to park and walk across the crossing to pick up.

Children are not to walk out of the gate and across the crossing by themselves, you must come into the school to get them.  While we understand older children may be able to do this safely on their own, our youngest children can not.  It is important we stick to the rules for the safety of all of our children.

Whānau with intermediate children who get off the bus here at school, please wait till 3.15pm to arrive.  If you are here for a sports practice, please wait till 3.20pm.  Children are all supervised till this time.  If someone out of the ordinary is picking up your child, please phone and let us know.

All children need to be picked up by 3.20pm.

When you drop off children in the morning, please park adjacent to the yellow lines, so children can walk safely up the pedestrian walkway.  Do not park parallel to another car.  If your child gets out of the right hand side, they need to walk behind your car, not in front.  Children can be dropped off from 7.45am, not earlier, they need to wait in the courtyard until the bell rings at 8am.

Phones At School

Please note that children are not to bring phones to school.  If they need to contact you, they can come to the school office and phone you from there.  If for some reason they absolutely have to have their phone, they must leave it at the school office and pick it up after school.

New Staff

We welcome Lisa Lipsham to Rūma Pīwakawaka, we also welcome Laura Stanners back to Rūma Pīwakawaka.   We welcome Haylee Apeldoorn to Rūma Piwakawaka who will be providing vital support as a teacher aide.   We also welcome Rachel Barclay to our school, she will largely be working out of Rūma Piwakawaka and will be providing literacy and foundation support.  Rachel will be with us three days a week.

Shelley has now taken over in the office as administration officer with Chrissie retiring at the end of the year.  


Regular attendance is crucial for children to be successful at school, academically, socially and emotionally.  As you may know the government is actively working towards improving attendance at all schools.  90% attendance is counted as regular, this is less than five days of absence a term.  Data shows that children who attend at least 90% of the time have a greater chance of being successful and happy at school. 

Please support us by ensuring your child is at school regularly, unless they are unwell.  If your child is going to be away, you MUST let us know.  We also are required to have a reason for the absence as this data is collected by the ministry.  Please advise us of their absence by 9am, you can phone the office, text our cellphone (0275029974) or email  


We currently have no out of zone positions available, if you know of anyone wishing to send their child to our school, encourage them to phone us or send us an email so we can pop them on our waiting list.


We need to raise $40 000 this year to cover our budget.  This money covers learning support, ensuring we have people on the ground to help our children when they need it.  This learning support benefits everyone.  We hate relying on fundraising and really wish that government funding actually matched our needs.  Sadly this is not the reality.  We will be advertising fundraisers as they come up and appreciate your support.  You can also donate to the school via Kindo, or if you know any businesses keen to sponsor us, we are always happy to chat.  We are very grateful for your support.   Last year we managed to raise almost $50 000.  If you have any ideas for fundraisers and are happy to be an integral part of planning and actioning these fundraisers, please get in touch with Dianne.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 


Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.

Beach Trip - 21st February

On this day, the whole school travels to the beach.  A form has come home about this that will give you more information.

For this trip to go ahead, it is absolutely crucial that we have the necessary supervision to do so.  While it can often seem that we have too many cars, it is needed.  We need people prepared to come to the beach and supervise a small group of children in and out of the water.  If you feel your child would struggle on this day, then we ask that you come along to supervise them yourselves.    If you feel going to the beach with the whole school will be too much for them, please let us know that they will not be coming along. It is a huge responsibility to take the whole school to the beach and we can not do it without your support.  You must meet us at school so we can do the roll and ensure all children are accounted for.  You are more than welcome and encouraged to carpool on the day, as parking is very limited.  

Please return your forms ASAP.

Teacher Only Day

Schools have been assigned two teacher only days to take this year to assist them with the implementation of the new curriculum.  We will be taking ours on the 4th of April.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in

Swimming Timetable 


Term One - Known Dates

6th of February - Waitangi Day (school closed)

18th of February - Senior camp parent meeting - 4.30pm

21st February - Beach Picnic (whole school)

27th and 28th February - Year 3 and 4 camp

5th-7th March - Senior Camp

4th April - Teacher Only Day

11th April - End of Term Awards - 2.10pm (Last day of term)


28th April - First day back Term 2


Last day of the year - 16th of December 12pm finish

School Bank Account Details - 

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought… 

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 End Of Year Wrap Up 2024

Our last day of school is the 18th of December, this is a half day we finish at 12.00pm and children need to be picked up by 12.30pm.  The office will be open on on Thursday for normal hours.

We start back on the 3rd of February 2025.  Teacher only day is the 31st of January and the office will be open from the 27th if there is anything you need.  

We have our beach day scheduled for the 21st of February, we need a lot of help and supervision on this day, so we hope the pre-warning can give you some time to schedule a day off to join us.

Class lists have been sent home via seesaw, but if you are not sure what class your child will be in, please message your child’s teacher.

Your child’s report will come home via seesaw before the end of term.  Please hit like to let us know you have read it.  Teachers put a lot of thought and time into these reports.  These are to be read in conjunction with the other academic reports teachers have sent home over the year via seesaw.

Parents of year 6 students should download their seesaw journal before classes are changed mid January 2025.  If your child is not in year 6, but is leaving our school at the end of this year, you should also download their seesaw journal before classes are changed in January.

At our end of year awards I spoke on two themes.  At our junior awards I thanked you, our community for helping us to create an environment where every child can flourish as themselves.  For allowing us to create an environment where every child can grow in their own space and in their own time.  For standing in support, kindness and understanding, rather than in judgement.  It is our community that allows us to see every child for who they are, to understand the challenges and celebrate the small steps and I thank you all for that.

At our senior awards I talked about our staff, how they help to create a school that stays ahead of the game and does not suffer from frazzled stagnation (a condition that sees us being busy, but never making positive change.) We are incredibly lucky to have a staff committed to growth, to letting go of what does not work and embracing what does.  They do this for the good of our children and community.  Teaching is not an easy job and it is certainly harder to stay in the game with all of the external pressures that are often placed on us, however we choose to celebrate the positive difference that we endeavour to make each and every day.

I wish all of our Year 6 children leaving us only the best.  This was my message to them.  To our families that are leaving us for the final time, we thank you for your ongoing support, you will always be a part of us.  We wish you and your whānau only the best.

In a world where you can be anything, be compassionate.  In a world where you can have anything, have respect.  In a world where you can offer anything, offer care.  I a world where you can listen to anything, listen more to your dreams than your fears.

You will face many challenges, but remember, there is learning in every challenge.

You have grown deep roots here, roots that will enable you to weather any storm.

Change does not mean that you leave this place, as symbolised by the year six leaving tree.  You will always be part of this place and this place will always be part of you.


Thank you all for your ongoing support.  We are certainly a community that punches above our weight!

Have a great Summer!


You can purchase stationery for 2025 from any time now.  

2025 Stationery Requirements:

Classroom stationery is now available online at Office Max with the below link. link

Baigents Office Products 21- 23 commerce St Whangarei offer in store purchasing or online with the below link.

Both companies have your child’s class list.

We have also included Qizzle into the purchasing option.

Our class lists can be found on;

Qizzle  Qizzle have After pay and can accept WINZ Payments.

New Entrant Rūma Piwakawaka (RM1) is to be purchased at school if needed. If your child is staying in Rūma Piwakawaka they will let you know what they may need and this can be purchased at school.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email Chelsea or call the office.

Room 3 - Leslee Allen/Tracey Angelo-Jones

Room 4 - Steve Ferguson

Room 5 - Ronda Gibson

Room 6 - Nicky Cleaver

Room 7 - Kelly Glasgow

Room 8 - Cathy Hadfield

Room 9 - Vikki Tuckey

Monday, November 18, 2024

School News - Week Six


Kaurihohore School Week Six, Term Four  2024

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau, 

This term is rushing away on us.  Teachers are madly trying to complete assessments and get everything done and are certainly feeling the pressure this time of year creates.  Classrooms are still very busy places while we try to squeeze in as much learning as we can, so please ensure your children are at school unless they are sick.  It is not easy having to catch children up when they have missed assessments or key learning.

In the last newsletter I neglected to thank Judy Dempster for the use of her paddock for parking at Halloween.  We are so grateful for her continued support of our school.  Thank you Judy!

I am very grateful for those of you that take the time to read this newsletter, I try to ensure you have all the information you need.  These are also published on our school blog and kept in the files of the blog as well.

Ngā Manaakitanga

Leslee Allen

Dropping off Children

Please ensure children are not dropped before 7.45am.  This is the earliest time they should be arriving.  

Staffing 2025

We are currently working to find a replacement for Michelle Douglas, these are certainly very big shoes to fill.  We will advise you of our new appointment when we have finalised this.  Hopefully we will be able to do this by the end of next week.


As a change from pizza we are doing nachos for lunch on the 3rd of December.  You can order via Kindo and orders need to be in by 11pm on the 28th of November.

Planning for 2025 - Out of Zone Positions

We have one out of zone position for Year 5 remaining and two year three positions.  If you know of anyone considering changing schools and may be interested in a position at our school, please have them contact Chelsea via email or give us a call.  

If you know your child will not be returning to Kaurihohore next year, please let us know as soon as you can.  If you know of any families planning to move into our zone, please encourage them to get in touch.  This allows us to plan more accurately for 2025.

This information is vital to us as it directly impacts our funding and staffing.  When we know in advance we can offer places to others to cover any spaces that have been vacated.


Hats must be worn in Term 1 and 4.  Hats must have a full brim or a flap at the back.  Please name your child’s hat and help them to remember it each day.    Please no caps at all, thank you.

School Kapa Haka

Our kapa haka group did so well at the recent festival held at Hurupaki school.  When you take into account that they only formed again this year, their efforts were even more awesome.  Thank you to Jo Kake for ensuring our children were able to benefit from this opportunity.


The government's target for attendance is 80% of children attending school regularly.  Regularly is counted as 90% of the time.  This is less than 5 days of absence in the school term.  As I reported in our last newsletter, we had 50% of our roll attending regularly in Term 3.   We are finding many of our children are having up to 10 days of absence in a term, some even more than this.  Added up, this equates to them only attending school for 8 weeks of the term.  If children are having more than 10 days then a referral to other agencies needs to be made.  We are becoming really concerned by the amount of children having Mondays and Fridays off from school.   We understand if children are sick or already have arrangements with us to support your child at school by having rest days, but we know that in most cases of ongoing absence, sickness is not the reason for a child not being at school.

You will be able to note your child’s percentage of attendance on their upcoming school report.  Please take note of this and if it is less than 90%, let's work to improve this in 2025.

Term Awards

These will be held on Monday the 25th of November at 2.15pm.  These awards are an opportunity to recognise achievements in class for Term 4, award overall citizens and to award certificates for our recent Senior athletics day.  You are welcome to attend.  This does not replace our end of year prize giving for junior or senior school.

End Of Year Prize Givings

Please note the dates and times for these. The 13th of December at 1.30pm is the junior event (Year 1-3) and the 16th of December at 1.30pm is the senior event (Year 4-6.)

More information will be sent home about these closer to the time.  Everyone is welcome to attend these events and we aim to keep them as short and informal as possible.

Monster Raffle

We need grocery items for the raffle, could you please donate items to the office.

 If you are unable to sell these, please return them.  If you would like more raffle books, please come in and see Dianne.  Return any sold books as soon as you can.

Last Day Of Term

Please note our last day for the year is the 18th of December and school finishes at 12.00pm.  Our first day back next year will be Monday the 3rd of February.  2025 finishes on the 16th of December.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message, from here they can quickly answer any questions or make time with you to meet face to face.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.  

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 

Chrissie -

Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in


Known Term  Dates 

25th of November - Awards assembly - 2.15pm

13th of December - Junior awards - 1.30pm

16th of December - Senior awards - 1.30pm

18th of December - Last day of Term 4 (half day, school closes at 12.00, children picked up by 12.30)

First Day Back  - Monday 3rd of February 2025

2025 Last day - 16th of December

School Bank Account Details - 

All payments now go through the one account.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought… 

I have shared this post before, it is not written by me, but is perfectly said and worth sharing again.


Every day, your child comes home with a story about THAT kid. The one who is always hitting, shoving, pinching, scratching, maybe even biting other children. The one who always has to hold my hand in the hallway. The one who has a special spot on the carpet, and sometimes sits on a chair rather than the floor. The one who had to leave the block-area because blocks are not for throwing. The one who climbed over the playground fence right when I was telling her to stop.

The one who poured his neighbour’s milk onto the floor in a fit of anger. On purpose. While I was watching. And then, when I asked him to clean it up, emptied the ENTIRE paper-towel dispenser. On purpose. While I was watching. The one who dropped the REAL ACTUAL F-word during sports.

You’re worried that THAT child is detracting from your child’s learning experience. You’re worried that he takes up too much of my time and energy, and that your child won’t get his fair share. You’re worried that she is really going to hurt someone someday. You’re worried that that ‘someone’ might be your child. You’re worried that your child is going to start using aggression to get what SHE wants. You’re worried your child is going to fall behind academically because I mightn’t notice that he’s struggling to hold a pencil. I know.

Your child, this year, in this classroom, at this age, is not THAT child. Your child is not perfect, but she generally follows rules. He is able to share toys peaceably. She does not throw furniture. He raises his hand to speak. She works when it’s time to work, and plays when it’s time to play. He can be trusted to go straight to the bathroom and straight back again with no shenanigans. She thinks that the S-word is “stupid” and the C-word is “crap.” I know.

I know, and I’m worried, too.

You see, I worry all the time. About ALL of them. I worry about your child’s pencil grip, and another child’s letter-sounds, and that little tiny one’s shyness, and that other one’s chronically empty lunchbox. I worry that Gavin’s coat is not warm enough, and that Talitha’s dad yells at her for printing the letter B backwards. Most of my car-rides and showers are consumed with worry.

But I know, you want to talk about THAT child. Because Talitha’s backward Bs are not going to give your child a black eye.

I want to talk about THAT child, too, but there are so many things I can’t tell you.

I can’t tell you that she was adopted from an orphanage at 18 months.

I can’t tell you that he is on an elimination diet for possible food allergies, and that he is therefore hungry ALL. THE. TIME.

I can’t tell you that her parents are in the middle of a horrendous divorce, and she has been staying with her grandma.

I can’t tell you that I’m starting to worry that Grandma drinks. 

I can’t tell you that his asthma medication makes him agitated.

I can’t tell you that her mum is a single parent, and so she (the child) is at school from the moment before-care opens, until the moment after-care closes, and then the drive between home and school takes 40 minutes, and so she (the child) is getting less sleep than most adults.

I can’t tell you that he has been a witness to domestic violence.

That’s okay, you say. You understand I can’t share personal or family information. You just want to know what I’m DOING about That Child’s behaviour.

I would love to tell you. But I can’t.

I can’t tell you that she receives extra speech help, that an assessment showed a severe language delay, and that the therapist feels the aggression is linked to frustration about being unable to communicate.

I can’t tell you that I meet with his parents EVERY week, and that both of them usually cry at those meetings.

I can’t tell you that the child and I have a secret hand signal to tell me when she needs to sit by herself for a while.

I can’t tell you that he spends rest-time curled up in my lap because “it makes me feel better to hear your heart, Teacher.”

I can’t tell you that I have been
meticulously tracking her aggressive
incidents for three months, and that she has dropped from five incidents a day, to five incidents a week.

I can’t tell you that the school secretary has agreed that I can send him to the office to “help” when I can tell he needs a change of scenery.

I can’t tell you that I have stood up in a staff meeting and, with tears in my eyes, BEGGED my colleagues to keep an extra close eye on her, to be kind to her even when they are frustrated that she just punched someone AGAIN, and this time, RIGHT IN FRONT OF A TEACHER.

The thing is, there are SO MANY THINGS I can’t tell you about That Child. I can’t even tell you the good stuff.

I can’t tell you that his classroom job is to water the plants, and that he cried with heartbreak when one of the plants died over the school holidays.

I can’t tell you that she kisses her baby sister goodbye every morning, and whispers “You are my sunshine …” before Mum pushes the stroller away.

I can’t tell you that he knows more about thunderstorms than most meteorologists.

I can’t tell you that she often asks to help sharpen the pencils during playtime.

I can’t tell you that she strokes her best friend’s hair at rest-time.

I can’t tell you that, when a classmate is crying, he rushes over with his favourite stuffed toy from the story corner.

The thing is, dear parent, that I can only talk to you about YOUR child. So, what I can tell you is this: If ever, at any point, YOUR child, or any of your children, becomes THAT child …

  • I will not share your personal family business with other parents in the classroom.

  • I will communicate with you frequently, clearly and kindly.

  • I will make sure there are tissues nearby at all of our meetings, and, if you let me, I will hold your hand when you cry.

  • I will advocate for your child and family to receive the highest quality of specialist services, and I will cooperate with those professionals to the fullest possible extent.

  • I will make sure your child gets extra love and affection when she needs it most.

  • I will be a voice for your child in our school community.

  • I will, no matter what happens, continue to look for – and find – the good, amazing, special and wonderful things about your child.

  • I will remind him and YOU of those good, amazing, special, wonderful things, over and over again.

  • And when other parents come to me, with concerns about YOUR child … I will tell them all of this, all over again.

With so much love … TEACHER.