Contact Us

For all enrolment enquiries please contact Chelsea Woods - 

For attendance, please either phone in on 09 4350 041, text 027 502 9974, or email  You can also use the school loop app.

For questions or concerns regarding your child or events, please email or talk to your child's teacher in the first instance or message them on seesaw.

School phone - 09 4350 041

Staff Emails:
Leslee Allen (Room 3 and Principal) –
Tracey Angelo-Jones (Rm 3) –
Nicky Cleaver (Rm6) – 
Tanya Gwyn (LSC) –
Lisa Lipsham (Rm 1) -
Ronda Gibson(Rm5) –
Kelly Glasgow (Rm7 ) -
Office (Shelley)–
Dianne Wyatt -
Vikki Tuckey (Rm 9)-
Cathy Hadfield (Rm 8) -
Steve Ferguson -
Rachel Barkley (literacy support)-

Jo Kake (on leave) –

You can also find us on facebook, add yourself to our group if you have a child that currently attends our school.  Please answer the required questions to be accepted.

You can also find us on the school loop app, it is a great way of staying up to date.

If you have a child at the school, the best way to stay in contact is seesaw.  If you are not connected to your child's account, please see your child's teacher.

Please do not message your child's teacher using social media.

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