We do not currently have any out of zone positions available, however we welcome you to put your child on the waiting list.
Please note out of zone places are advertised in Term 3 of the year prior to a child starting. So places for the whole of the next year, are advertised in Term 3 of the prior year.
Chelsea - kaurienrolments@gmail.com
Alternatively you can phone us between 8.30am and 4.00pm on 09 4350 041 and a message will be left for Chelsea to get back to you.
Please note, we do have an enrolment scheme, this means unless we have out of zone places, you will need to be in our zone to have automatic entry.
If you are out of zone and we do not have places in the year level you are wanting, Chelsea will place you on the waiting list and we will be in touch if places do become available.
Any other information on the school can be found on our blog or you can email me.
Leslee - leslee.allen@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Leslee Allen - Principal
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