Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Week Five News


Kaurihohore School Week Five, Term Two 2023

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau

Well we are already halfway through the term, how fantastic it is to see some finer weather, long may it continue.

We have had a lot of sickness around lately, with a few cases of COVID spread across the school.  Transmission is quite low and we are very grateful to you for continuing to test children and keep them home for the seven days.

We have COVID tests available free of charge at the office, please pop in and pick some up if you need them.

As you will have read in my last newsletter, some of our children are struggling with big feelings and some explosive behaviours.  This isn’t unusual, children are not little adults and they are still learning about appropriate ways to regulate themselves.  We will always do our best to help them and you. 

 If your child is struggling with big feelings and behaviour that impacts them or others,  we appreciate your support. This may mean we need to put in some applications for extra support from outside agencies, just to give them that little bit more help that they need.  Tanya, our LSC is fabulous and is only too happy to sit down with you and explain ways we can help, Nicky our SENCO is also happy to help.  

As a school we are trauma informed, developmentally responsive and understand the brain under stress, we have ways and means to help children and come from a point of understanding, but sometimes we need extra support to ensure we can keep children at school and not have to use stand down or suspension procedures (which are an absolute last resort).

Requesting support for a child who is having difficulty with regulation is one of the only ways we get funding to help pay for our amazing teacher aides, who just do an incredible job helping our children through co-regulation strategies.  Unlike learning, behaviour needs are one of  needs MOE do offer funding to support (even if it is minimal, every little bit counts.)

We will continue to advise you of any negative behaviours that go on at school relating to your child as we have noticed a real drop in unwanted behaviour since we started doing this.  

It is wonderfully rewarding to watch children that may have struggled begin to flourish, with your help, we really can make a difference.

Tohaina ō 

Painga ke to ao

Share your gifts with the world

Leslee Allen

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 

Chrissie -

Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

Positions For 2023 and 2024

If you have a child that will be starting at our school this year and you have not heard from us, please email or phone Chelsea to check.

Although it seems early, we are already making plans for 2024 based on our roll.  As many of you will be aware, our school roll determines both funding and staffing, so it is crucial we are able to make accurate predictions. 

If you know of anyone in our zone, with a child who will be starting school in 2024 please check with them that they have their child on our list.  If you know of out of zone families who may be wanting to send their child to our school, please encourage them to advise us of their details early, so we can contact them when applications open in September.

We appreciate your assistance with this.

We also have a couple of out of zone positions available for year two students, one at year four and one at year five.  If you know of anyone who may like to know more about these positions, please get them to contact Chelsea Woods

In 2024 it is likely we will have several year 5 and 6 places to offer, along with some Year 2 places, these will be advertised with our new entrant out of zone positions in September.

Picking up Children - Let us know who is picking them up

Please use the crossing when picking up your children and do not walk across the school car park at busy times of the day.

We also need to know when someone different from usual is picking up your child.  We are accustomed to the normal arrangements, but really need to know if it is an out of the ordinary arrangement.  Please phone the school office to let us know.  

Children can get quite upset when the pick up arrangement is out of the ordinary and they didn’t know about it.  If we know the arrangement, we can assist to reassure children and avoid this stress.

Lollies and packets

Please do not send lollies along to school with children.  Where possible we aim for zero waste lunch boxes, there are loads of ideas out there for reducing lunch box waste, so please assist us by trying to get rid of plastic wrappers from your child’s lunch box.  This might seem like a small effort, but big changes always start from small steps.

Thank you!!!

I just wanted to make special mention of Bronwyn Bayne who has been working so hard to gain grants for the school.  This is a massive job that makes a real difference to the resources we can supply to our children.  Thank you so much Bronwyn!

Fundraisers - Please support us if you can

We raised almost $6000 last term.  That means we have $20 000 left to raise.  Our aim this term is $8000.  Please get behind the colour run and chocolate selling as these are two items that could really help us towards this total.

The money that is raised through fundraisers, frees up money from curriculum spending to help keep our classes as small as possible.  This benefits ALL children.

Colour Run

This has replaced the sponsored run that we have had the last few years.  This will be held on the 8th of June .If your child has not registered yet please go to and create a student profile page. Find our school Kaurihohore and then your child will be added to our fundraising team.  Every little bit counts towards our school total.  

Children can take offline donations and still record this on their total raised.  More information has been shared by Michelle on our school facebook page.

If children do not want to be sprayed with colour, let us know and they will be given a vest to wear, so helpers know not to spray them.

Thank you again for your support!


Thank you so much to everyone selling chocolates on behalf of the school.  We are very grateful.  When you have sold your box, please send it back with the money (name it to make sure we know who it is from.)  Alternatively you can deposit the money into our account, but please reference it and let us know that you have paid.  If you are wanting to sell extra boxes, please come in and see Dianne.  If you are not able to sell chocolates, but are able to give a donation of any amount, we really do appreciate this.  If you are struggling to sell the chocolates you have, bring them back in with any money already raised and we will give them to others to sell.

Halloween Event

Again we will hold it on Halloween which is more fun for our tāmariki Tuesday 31st October.

If you would like to get involved and help make this night fun and a successful fundraiser for our tāmariki and School, then please join us through our facebook group Kaurihohore Fundraising, or watch out for notes on facebook.  This year we are combining market day with the Halloween event, if you are interested in making small crafts that can be sold, we would really appreciate that!  

We will also be making jolly jars and would appreciate any donations of good sized, clean jars to fill with goodies.  We are after wrapped, halloween themed lollies, good quality toys that will fit in the jar, small halloween themed items that will go nicely in a jar.  You can bring any donations along to the office anytime now onwards.

Winter Sports Day Year 5 and 6

This is held on the 31st of May and it is an inter school event.  We are lucky enough to be able to use this as a fundraiser, running the BBQ on the day.  This allows us to fundraise outside of our community, but again we need help running this.  Please see Cathy or Dianne if you can help with this.  

Matariki Dawn Ceremony

We have changed the date for this to bring us more in line with Matariki, it will now take place within the first two weeks of Term 3, we will advise you of the exact day as soon as we can.  On this day we aim to unveil the garden with the sunrise, we also intend to have breakfast at school and will be encouraging everyone to come.  On that day school will start slightly early and children will be involved in Matariki based activities.  We will confirm further details closer to the time.  If you know of any past members of our school community, please let them know, we’d love to see them here!  The garden has been planted in recognition of Hugh McKenzie who gave the land for the church and the school and was the schools first teacher when schooling was first established in 1861.  The garden also celebrates Matariki and was funded through the Matariki Tu Rākau fund, which is part of the One Billion Trees programme, and is delivered through Te Uru Rākau. Through its funding of trees, it's helping whānau plant living memorials to honour members of their communities who have:

  • made practical change through their efforts

Term Two

31st of May - Winter Sports Day Year 5 and 6

5th of June - King's Birthday (school closed)

8th of June - School colour run

19th of June - Rūma Kiwi and Huia - Science Roadshow

29th of June - Awards assembly - 2.15pm

30th of June - Empty Classroom Day

Term Four - Last day 15th of December 12.00pm

School Bank Account Details - 

All payments now go through the one account.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought…

Noho ora mai -

Leslee Allen