Kaurihohore School Week Five, Term One 2024
Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all.
Respect - Empathy - Kindness
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai
“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”
Kia ora e te whānau,
Wow, it is week five already!
We had a fabulous trip to the beach. We appreciate all of your support in making this day happen for our tamariki and especially thank Dianne Wyatt who pulls everything together.
Last week the senior classes held a STEM week. Each teacher took responsibility for activities and provided wonderful, rich experiences for our children. I am grateful to have such a dedicated team who want to give these opportunities to our ākonga. There is so much rich learning that takes place in these weeks and so many connections to all other areas of learning. The juniors also dabbled in their own class based activities, as relevant to their level.
Yesterday we hosted our zone swimming sports. Cathy Hadfield did a remarkable job pulling this together and our children did our school proud, well done everyone!
Our bee group is also busy looking after our school hives once a week and very much enjoying this fabulous experience. Thank you Michelle and Dianne for making this happen.
Our children also enjoyed their taste of tennis a few weeks back and the sports academy is now in full swing, enjoying great sporting experiences.
It always amazes me just how many opportunities in a range of areas our children are provided with. For a small school, our fabulous staff really do ensure they don’t miss out.
Leslee Allen
Restorative Practice/Responding To Behaviour
We often get asked how we ‘manage’ behaviour that is problematic in terms of negatively impacting on others or our environment. You can find our procedures on our blog, or by clicking on the link below. We operate through a lens of restorative practice and aim to have children own their behaviour, fix it and learn from it. Our procedures focus on this philosophy and wherever possible we try to understand and respond appropriately in a way that promotes this. It is important that children understand that their behaviour impacts others and that we need to restore this in some way in order to fix it. Taking accountability helps everyone to learn from their actions, so they are not repeated.
Procedures for responding to behaviour
Pick up and Drop Off
As the timings are currently working well for pick up, we have decided to stay with this as a procedure, we are noticing it is helping the flow of traffic and getting the line clear, far quicker than it used to be.
This means, junior classes Room 1 - 5 will continue to come out to the courtyard at 2.50pm. We ask that you only use the line between 2.50 and 3pm if you have children in Room 1 -5 (if you have children in both areas, come at the later indicated time.) Room 6 - 9 will continue coming out to the courtyard at 2.55pm which is our normal bell time, we ask if you have children in this area of the school that you wait till 3pm - 3.10pm to join the line. Usually by 3.05pm it is much easier to pull into the line and by 3.10pm it is largely clear, you are welcome to come at this time if it is easier for you. All children must be picked up by 3.20pm.
If you need to pick up your children at an earlier time, you are welcome to park and come in and collect your children from 2.55pm. When the front access to the school is clear, this process will be much easier. We ask that those picking up intermediate children continue to wait till the later time of 3.15pm to find a car park, this is generally when the bus arrives.
When we have cars in the front of the line that are waiting for children from rooms 6-9 it causes hold ups, please pass this message on to anyone else that may pick your children up. We have noticed this is improving and we thank you for your support.
Please note, if you are parking and coming in to pick up your child, you need to come in and get them, children will not be walking out of the gate unattended by an adult, please remind children that they need to wait for you.
We still have a few positions across the school for out of zone children in Year 5. If you know of anyone looking to enrol, ask them to email Chelsea kaurienrolments@gmail.com and come for a look around. If you know of any families who live in the zone, or may be moving into the zone, please encourage them to contact us as early as possible, so we can calculate them into our numbers.
Contacting Us
You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message. Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm. We will respond the next day as soon as we can. Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.
Our school blog is kaurihohoreschool.blogspot.com
Office emails are:
Chrissie - admin@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Dianne - reception@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Chelsea/Enrolments - kaurienrolments@gmail.com
Leslee - principal@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Reporting Absence - kauriabsences@gmail.com
If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.
Fundraising Term One
All fundraising is currently covering the deficit budget we have set to cover staffing and learning support for our children. Very sadly, the MOE does not provide the level of support that is needed for the high need that is out there, therefore it is something we endeavour to provide ourselves, to ensure success for everyone.
Our first fundraiser is the Easter raffle. Tickets have been sent home and we ask that you endeavour to sell these. Any raffles organised by Dianne are always worth winning. Can you send donations towards this raffle, it can be chocolate, grocery items, art, toys anything really that people would love to win as part of a raffle. Donations have been slow coming in, if you have not managed to donate anything yet, we would really appreciate it. If you are unable to sell your tickets, please send these back to the office. These need to all be back by the 22nd of April.
Bulb orders have been sent home this week, these make a great gift, there is no pressure to buy, but you may have whānau or friends that would like to order. Forms need to be returned to the office by the 23rd of April.
Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc. If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in. These links are also at the top of our school blog site.
Create and account.
Log in
Term One - Known Dates
13th of March - WPSSA Swimming Sports (for children selected)
19th March - Touch Festival (for children involved)
21st of March - EPRO8 Competition - For teams selected
28th of March - Girls only football
29th of March - Good Friday - No school
1st of April - Easter Monday - No School
2nd of April - Easter Tuesday - No School
12th of April - Last day of Term 1
29th of April - First day of Term 2
School Bank Account Details -
All payments now go through the one account.
Account 12-3093-0200709-00
Kaurihohore school board of Trustees
Food for thought…
We are grateful each day for our fabulous community.
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