Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Week Four - Term Two News


Kaurihohore School Week Four, Term Two 2024

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau, 

It is hard to believe that we are already at week four of term two.  We have been lucky with the weather, but are headed into the Winter months.  Our grounds are becoming wet and muddy and we ask that you ensure your children have a change of clothes in their bag along with something to put wet clothes in.

The timings of end of day pick up are working well, our junior classes (room 1 - 5) will continue to come out five minutes before the bell to allow the line to start moving.  Below is a reminder of the guidelines for the end of the day.

  1. We ask that families with children in Room 1 - 5 come between 2.50pm and 3.00pm. Children in these classes will be brought out to the courtyard at this slightly earlier time in the hope that we will clear the line more quickly.

  2. If you have children in Room 6-9, we ask that you wait until 3.00pm - 3.15pm to come and pick up your child. Please don’t use the line any earlier than this as it does hold things up.

  3. If you have children in both areas of the school, please come at the later time of 3.00-3.15pm. Children are supervised until 3.20pm. All children need to be picked up by 3.20pm.

  4. If you have children in Room 6-9 and need to collect them early, they will still be out by 2.55pm, we ask that you park and come in and collect them.

  5. Sport training after school - if your child has practice after school, we ask that you come at 3.20pm to ensure you can find parking. Please don't come earlier than this as it will take up parking from those picking up their children at the end of the day.

  6. We also ask those with children at Intermediate, who are waiting for the Intermediate bus to wait till 3.15pm to arrive, ensuring parking is available before this.

PLEASE, come in and collect your child if you are parked.  We do not want them walking across the crossing unsupervised and have seen several near misses lately.  PLEASE do not park up on the yellow lines in front of the school and PLEASE do not walk across the car park, use the yellow walkway and the crossing.

Wet days are always difficult for end of day duty and we ask you to be patient with us as we try to get children to their cars as quickly as possible.  Please use car parks available if you are in a particular hurry and come in and collect your children.  

The music man will be performing for us next week.  Please ensure your child has paid their $4 to attend.  This is not compulsory, children will be supervised at school if they do not pay.  The school will attend in two groups and will be walking to the hall, so please send children with a jacket on this day, in case it is wet.

Matariki is coming up and at school children will be taking part in learning around this important time.  We are planning an event at school, but are still working on the date for this. We will let you know as soon as possible to allow you to attend if you are able to.

A reminder that teacher only day is on the 31st of May (next week.)

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Leslee Allen


Our school values are respect, kindness and empathy.  Respect is something we work hard on, but we are still having ongoing problems with children respecting the school grounds and resources.  Our new school fence has already been damaged several times, some of our school bikes are being treated very poorly and our big pole hut is still out of action, due to children damaging the fall area that was built to keep them safe.  It can all get very disheartening and frustrating at times when we work so hard to ensure children have a school environment that is both safe and engaging.  

Bikes have been giving us a lot of difficulty lately.  We have a LOT of children enthusiastically riding their small bikes, which is awesome, but they continue to ride them in areas that are out of bounds for these bikes.  They often forget their helmets and seem to ‘forget’ the rules almost as soon as they have been reminded.

If you could assist us by talking to your child about respect and the importance of not only respecting people, but our environment and resources, this would be greatly appreciated.  Duty teachers will be keeping a closer eye on the bikes and if your child’s teacher requests that they bike stay at home for a few days, you will know why.


It is crucial that your child is at school, unless they are sick.  We currently have some families having a day or two off a week, it is really hard to help your child to achieve socially and academically with this amount of time off.  One day a week is equivalent to two weeks a term.  Two days off a week is equivalent to four weeks.  When put in that way, it is obvious why we are concerned.

Fundraising Term Two  - Get your child signed up for the colour run!

Our two main fundraisers are chocolates and the colour run.  With $28 000 remaining to raise, we hope to raise around $9000 this term.  We appreciate all of your assistance with this.

Chocolates can be collected from the school office for those that opted into selling these.

If you didn’t opt in, because you didn’t get a form, you are more than welcome to come in and pick up a box to sell.  We don’t send home boxes to people unless they opt in because we understand that not everyone is able to sell chocolates or wants to fundraise in this way.

This year we are holding another School Fun Run as a major fundraiser! It will take place on Wednesday the 19th of June here at school.

To get started, please create a student profile page at

Enter in our school name Kaurihohore and then your child will be added to our fundraising team.

You can then share the link on social media to start fundraising.

Keep an eye out for some cheap or 2nd hand black clothing to wear, or your child can wear old clothing.  All family and friends are welcome to join us on the day.

Please chat to Michelle if you have any questions.

Why all the Fundraising?

Children are coming into school now with a range of very challenging diverse needs.  These needs may be social, emotional, developmental or behavioural.  At our school we choose to meet these needs, rather than use punitive strategies that don’t work (like stand down, suspension and expulsion.)

To meet these needs, we need to employ as many attuned adults as we can, in the form of our wonderful teacher aides.  Sadly this is not funded by our government and the process of applying for any sort of funding is over complicated and not targeted to the actual needs in schools.  

To ensure all our children can have the best possible school experience, we have to fundraise to cover wages.  It is a very sad reality, but this is where all of our fundraising currently goes.

Teachers Only Day

This is planned for Friday the 31st of May.  This day is one the MOE has put in place for schools to work further on curriculum development and knowledge and we are given a window of dates that it must be taken in.  School is closed for instruction on this day.


We still have a few positions across the school for out of zone children, at the moment we have one position for a year 3 and 1 position for a Year 5. If you know of anyone looking to enrol, ask them  to email Chelsea. and come for a look around.  If they have children who are out of zone at other year levels, it is still worth contacting Chelsea and coming in for a visit in case we have a position come up.

 If you know of any families who live in the zone, or may be moving into the zone, please encourage them to contact us as early as possible, so we can calculate them into our numbers.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 

Chrissie -

Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in


Known Term  Dates 

28th of May - Whole school music man show ($4 per child)

29th of May - Board of Trustees Meeting - 7pm

29th of May - Year 5 and 6 Winter Sports Day

31st of May - Teachers only day (school closed to children)

3rd of June - King's Birthday (school closed)

19th of June - Sponsored Colour Fun Run

28th of June - Matariki observed (school closed)

5th of July - Last day of Term 2

(Matariki celebration date to be confirmed)

22nd of July - First day of Term 3

21st of August - School Cross Country 

27th of September - Last day of Term 3

14th of October - First day of Term 4

18th of December - Last day of Term 4

Tentative First Day Back 2025  - Monday 3rd of February

School Bank Account Details - 

All payments now go through the one account.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought…

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