Kaurihohore School Week Three, Term One 2023
Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all.
Respect - Empathy - Kindness
Tohaina ō painga ki te ao
“Share your gifts with the world”
Kia ora koutou,
Wow, what a cyclone that was! Our hearts go out to those significantly impacted. If there is any way we,
as a school community can support you with cleaning up, please let us know.
I am sure we will have many people happy to help you out.
We have opened today, still with some damage to sort. This makes areas with trees out of bounds.
Please be aware of this when using the school and we will let you know when we have had the trees
looked at and sorted. A massive thank you to those that could get here safely and clean up enough of
the damage to ensure children could come back today, we have an awesome community.
You might be aware that last year we requested sponsorship for our Weight Warrior project.
Weight Warriors are weighted toys that are proven to help children who have big feelings struggle
with separation anxiety or more generalised anxiety. They have been an absolute hit with the
children and we are so very grateful for your support.
*Kensington Tavern
*Glazier Glass Limited
*Robinson Asphalts
*Pat Parker
*Leah Anderson
*Eve Florian
*Monique Walker
*After School Care
*Nan Ma
*Joanne Thorne
*Simone Veldsman
Children are given these Warriors to look after until the time they leave our school, then they will be
rehomed to another child. Each class will also have a Warrior that can be used by children when they
are struggling with big feelings.
You can see the Warriors that have been gifted so far, by coming into the office area.
Like anything else, we’d always love more, as there are a lot of children that would really benefit.
If you know of a business that would be keen to sponsor, let us know, alternatively you might like to
sponsor one yourself. Warriors cost $79, but the lovely thing is $5 goes to Gumboot Friday and the toys
are all repurposed rather than being new.
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in this world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the
Leslee Allen
Contacting Us
You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab our staff. However the best way to
contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message. Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have
time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm. We
will respond the next day as soon as we can.
Our school blog is kaurihohoreschool.blogspot.com
Office emails are:
Chrissie - admin@kaurihohoreschoo.co.nz
Dianne - reception@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Chelsea/Enrolments - kaurienrolments@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Leslee - principal@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
If you know of families living in our school zone that will be coming to our school, but may
not have let us know, please tell them to let us know urgently. We have a few out of zone
requests at the moment, but are hesitant to fill these, without being able to accurately predict
any in zone growth. They can email Chelsea at kaurienrolments@gmail.com, thank you!
It is absolutely vital that children attend school regularly. If your child is not sick, they need to
be at school. Irregular attendance impacts not only academically, but more importantly, it impacts
socially. Friendships can be hard to make and to keep and not being at school regularly can be a real t
rigger for anxiety. Please support us and your child by having them at school every day unless they
are sick. If your child is away, we need a reason for absence, or they will be marked truant.
We have officially launched KINDO. Eventually this will be used for the majority of payments to the
school. It makes payments simpler for you and for us, you can find more information on the sheets
sent home via seesaw. Once things have settled down, we will hold a KINDO launch, this will be a
pizza lunch pack, so watch out for the date and in the meantime, get set up with the KINDO app.
Beach Trip
We decided to cancel the beach trip, due to debris and water quality.
Drop off and Pick Ups
Please don’t drop children before 7.45am at the earliest and pick them up by 3.20pm at the very latest.
Staff Car Park
Please do not use this area in the morning. You may park here in the afternoon as long as you are
simply picking up your child and going straight away. Please do not park here if you intend to stay
at school for any length of time.
Devices and Gaming
We are becoming really concerned by the amount of time children are spending online and playing games
that they really shouldn’t be on. Some of the games our children as young as five and six talk about
playing are rated R18. A child’s brain processes what they see, much differently than ours. While they
can be seemingly unaffected, they often talk to us about having nightmares as a result of watching or
playing things that have scared them. Devices and gaming just are not healthy for the developing brain.
We urge you to think about what your child is doing online and to restrict the time that they are spending
engaging in these activities. While some screen time can be beneficial when engaging in learning games
like Nessy, an excess of screentime is not useful.
When in doubt, let children play, let them imagine and let them get bored. They do not always need to
be entertained!
Term One -Dates
20/21st Feb - EPRO8 - internal event
23rd/24th Feb - Year 3-4 Camp
24th Feb - Proposed date for inter-school swimming with Glenbervie - to be confirmed
2nd of March -Year 1 and 2 day out and dinner at school
28th - 3rd March - Year 5-6 camp
15th March - WPSSA Swimming sports for those that qualify
9th March - EPRO8 competition at Whangarei Intermediate School
22nd March - Visit to Tahi honey for the bee group
5th of April - End of year awards assembly 2.15pm (whole school)
6th of April - Empty Classroom Day
7th of April - Good Friday
Term Two
24th of April - Teacher only day (school closed for children)
25th of April - ANZAC day
26th of April - First day back for children
31st of May - Winter Sports Day Year 5 and 6 (we will need help on the BBQ as this is a great
fundraiser, we’d love your help.)
Term Four - Last day 15th of December 12.00pm
School Bank Account Details -
Now that the PSG has come under the umbrella of the school, we only have one bank
account for all payments.
Account 12-3093-0200709-00
Kaurihohore school board of Trustees
Soon you will be able to use KINDO for the majority of payments to the school.
Food for thought…
Noho ora mai -
Leslee Allen
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