Our current statement is:
Enthusiasm and values for life through learning.
This fits us beautifully, but we also want to acknowledge the importance of Maori culture in our school by generating a proverb that is relevant to us and clearly shows we are a school in New Zealand.
The proverb will sit alongside our current statement. Our pillars, Learning to learn, Learning to do, Learning to live together and Learning to be will also be kept, but combined with values that are relevant to Maori culture. These values may include:
- Whanaungatanga (belonging)
- Manaakitanga (respect, empathy, extending kindness)
- Wånanga (communication, problem solving, innovation)
- Tuakana/Teina (older/younger relationships)
- Kaitiakitanga (guardianship of our natural resources)
- Aroha (love and kindness)
- Hiringa (perseverance and determination)Kotahitanga (oneness, togetherness) Mohiotanga (sharing of information, knowledge and understanding)
- Wairua (wellbeing and connectedness)
When our community was asked what made us special as a school we received these ideas:
Being kind to yourself and others
Community of learning - tuakana teina - support each other
Listening and reevaluating your actions
Respect for everyone and everything
Whakamana-Supporting our tamariki to be strong, proud and sure of themselves and their place.
Kotahitanga-Togetherness, working collaboration between tamaiti/kaiako/whãnau/hapori
The next step in this process was to ask the children, which we did yesterday.
They came up with these ideas:
We feel the children's responses have summed us up very well, it is great to know that they share our thoughts on our school and the culture we want to continue to foster and maintain.
Our next step is to use these ideas to generate ideas for a proverb/whakatauki
that captures these words as best we can. If you would like to assist with this please contact Jo or I directly. Leslee (principal@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz) or Jo (rm6kauri@gmail.com) we would like to have a meeting of interested parties to share ideas and help us to come up with something that suits us.
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