Kaurihohore School Week One, Term Two 2023
Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all.
Respect - Empathy - Kindness
He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai
“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”
Kia ora e te whānau
Welcome back to a new term, we hope that this one is much more settled than the last. Teaching staff spent time at our teachers' only day exploring the NZ Histories curriculum and creating plans to bring the ‘naming’ narrative of Kaurihohore to life through dramatic inquiry. We are excited to be able to share this learning with our classes.
Like last term, we will continue to focus strongly on our school values of respect, kindness and empathy. We will communicate with you early if we feel your child needs some support using these values. Our main form of communication is via seesaw, so please make sure your app is up to date. You can also message your child’s teacher (or any other teaching staff) directly via this app too, which makes it much easier for us. As I said last term, please feel free to pop in and chat to your child’s teacher, but if you need to talk about anything more formal, please take the time to make an appointment.
Teachers have been or will be sharing reporting information on your child’s learning on seesaw. Lots of time and thought are put into these comments, so please make sure you read them, when you have, give it a like or make a comment, so we know you have read it.
This term the weather will get wetter (if it has not been wet enough already) and colder. Please make sure children have a change of clothes and extra layers in case they are cold. Make sure these items are named. Children may wear caps to school in Term 2 and 3, but again, make sure these are named.
Children are not to bring toys to school, this is to prevent upset when these are broken or lost. They may however bring bikes, scooters, ripsticks, roller skates etc however they do so at their own risk and need to be responsible enough to look after these.
We noticed a lot of trading last term, first with cards and then with croc charms. This caused upset for some and we did have some theft of these items as it is hard to prove ownership. We decided to ban trading of any kind, so please make sure your child is not bringing home items that do not belong to them, trading cards need to be left at home.
You will notice our school grounds have been hard to keep up with lately, the weather has seen an upsurge in the weeds. If you are at school early to pick up your children, it would be great if you could come in and do some weeding, pick up lost property, rubbish or even check in with your child's teacher to see if they have anything that needs doing. Every little effort helps to keep our school environment tidy.
Paul would appreciate help from anyone with moments of time that could bring a wheelbarrow and shovel in to move bark to the swing area.
Over the next two weeks, children in all classes will be experiencing two sessions from a St John educator around keeping safe and getting help. We are always grateful for vital learning experiences like this that are so valuable for our children and free of charge.
Finally you may have seen on the news that primary teachers and principals have not yet accepted an offer from the government. For the next month principals are effectively on ‘strike’ in terms of doing anything extra. Working from 8am and not after 5pm and not on weekends. We will update you if there is any other action upcoming as part of this negotiation. We would like to thank you all for your support with this action.
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not far apart.
Leslee Allen
Contacting Us
You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message. Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm. We will respond the next day as soon as we can. Please refrain from using Facebook messenger to contact us.
Our school blog is kaurihohoreschool.blogspot.com
Office emails are:
Chrissie - admin@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Dianne - reception@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Chelsea/Enrolments - kaurienrolments@gmail.com
Leslee - principal@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz
Reporting Absence - kauriabsences@gmail.com
Days off School
Children have had a lot of time off school due to disruptions, so please ensure that children are at school every day when they are well. They miss out on so much when they are away and having lots of children away on any given day is really hard for teachers when delivering the curriculum.
Fundraisers - Please support us if you can
We have around $20 000 left to raise this year. This funding is used for resources and in turn then allows us to pay for staffing that keeps our class sizes small. This means that every child is benefiting from the fundraising that we do. Let’s not have our fundraising efforts be like the story of the little red hen, these efforts should not fall on the shoulders of just some of our community. If everyone helps in even a small way, we can reach our fundraising goals a lot faster.
Children will be creating these for sale again this term, more information will be provided soon.
Colour Run
This has replaced the sponsored run that we have had the last few years. This will be held on the 8th of June.If your child has not registered yet please go to schoolfunrun.co.nz and create a student profile page. Find our school Kaurihohore and then your child will be added to our fundraising team. Every little bit counts towards our school total.
Thank you again for your support!
Winter Sports Day Year 5 and 6
This is held on the 31st of May and it is an inter school event. We are lucky enough to be able to use this as a fundraiser, running the BBQ on the day. This allows us to fundraise outside of our community, but again we need help running this. Please see Cathy or Dianne if you can help with this.
Matariki Dawn Ceremony
We have tentatively set the date for this on the 23rd of June. We want to use the sunrise to unveil our Matariki garden and have a basic ceremony. We are still finalising how this will look, but if you have any ideas, or would like to help organise this (we’d love help) please get in touch with Leslee, Dianne, Jo or Michelle.
Term Two
26th of April - First day back for children
31st of May - Winter Sports Day Year 5 and 6 (we will need help on the BBQ as this is a great fundraiser, we’d love your help, please talk to Cathy or Dianne if you are able to help.)
5th of June - King's Birthday (school closed)
8th of June - School colour run
19th of June - Rūma Kiwi and Huia - Science Roadshow
23rd of June - Matariki Dawn Ceremony
29th of June - Awards assembly - 2.15pm
30th of June - Empty Classroom Day
Term Four - Last day 15th of December 12.00pm
School Bank Account Details -
All payments now go through the one account.
Account 12-3093-0200709-00
Kaurihohore school board of Trustees
Food for thought…
Noho ora mai -
Leslee Allen