Kaurihohore School Week Seven, Term Four News 2022
Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all.
Respect - Empathy - Kindness
He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.
Success is not the work of one but the work of many.
Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to the last school news of the year, with just two weeks to go before we finish.
Thank you for your support of Market day, we managed to raise $2000, which was a great profit for the day. Next year we are likely to combine elements of this with our Halloween event rather than have two different events.
I am not sure of the exact totals of the Sponsored Run or the Raffle yet, but these have raised over $3000 each so far.
That means we have easily met our $26 000 target for the year and the remainder of the fundraising money will go directly towards our next major project, the turf. Which we hope to have in place by the end of next year. After that we will look at resurfacing the court areas.
Coming up on the 9th of December at 2.00pm under the canopy is the Year 1-4 awards event. At this we will award trophies for sporting events relevant to this age group and recognition certificates. I know that teachers all struggle to make decisions about who gets these awards and hope that those children that do end up without one, understand that it in no way indicates their value. You are welcome to come along to this event and may like to bring your own seat. Year 5 and 6 will be present in the audience.
Then on the 13th at 1.30pm we will have our Senior prizegiving for year 5 and 6 students. Again it is always such a hard decision when tagging names to certificates, We cherish the significance of the award, but also want to celebrate every child’s value. We really try to get the balance right throughout the year. Again, please come along and bring your own chair. Room 6, 9 and 10 will be in the audience. If you would like your child’s younger sibling to attend, just get them from their classroom and keep them with you.
You may wonder why we have separated out these two events. After last year, having the Year 6 awards at a different time, we realised it was a much more special way to celebrate them as outgoing students. Having the events at different times also means they will be short and there won't be too much sitting around, like we have had in the past. Doing it like this is easier in terms of organisation and means the younger children, who often struggle to sit through a longer event, don’t detract from the special nature of the awards for our senior children. We understand that for some families this will mean coming along to both events and hope this does not cause you too much inconvenience.
Soon children will be meeting their new teacher for 2023. We put a LOT of time and thought into classes, considering social and academic needs when placing children. Teachers have already had conversations about the children in their classes and soon children will be meeting their class and their teacher. This year, they will have three visits to help them with the transition.
If I don’t get to see you before the end of the year, please accept my gratitude for your ongoing support throughout the year. We couldn’t do it without you. Kaurihohore is a truly special place and I feel incredibly lucky to have spent my 15th year leading a fabulous staff and to have spent my 19th year as part of the team. Basically this place is in my blood!
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
What is the most important thing in this world? It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.
Leslee Allen
Year One Positions 2023
We still have two year one out of zone places for children in 2023, if you know of anyone interested ask them to contact Chelsea.
2023 Organisation
Children start back on the 1st of February. In 2023 our last day will be the 15th of December.
Class lists will be sent home via email (seesaw) soon, but children will find out soon. Stationery lists will be sent home with children on class swap day and a digital copy will be shared online. Class teachers will be posting the last instalment of your child’s report on seesaw before the last day, so look out for it.
Ticket butts should now be back at the office, thank you for your support.
Last Day
Our last day is the 14th of December, please note we finish at 12pm and children need to be picked up by 12.15pm at the latest.
After trialling real time reporting for a couple of years and with COVID causing a bit of disruption to this process over the last few years, we have decided to make a few changes, based on feedback and staff discussion.
Instead of four dispositional comments on reports, you will now get two, one in Term Two and one in Term four. Reporting comments will also go on seesaw twice a year for reading, writing and maths. We will be reinstating learning conferences (parent interviews) early in Term Three. You are still encouraged to come into classes and chat with teachers or to make time to meet when you have questions or concerns.
If you have a year 6 child, you should now start to download what you want from their journal, if you want items printed out, but can’t do this yourself, check with your child’s teacher as they may be able to help (within reason.) You can download your child’s entire journal.
So many of our children have been hit with sickness this year. This has made it really difficult when it comes to them having regular attendance. We hope that next year will be better. Please remember, when children are not sick, they need to be at school. Staff have been reviewing progress recently and one of the biggest factors that determines progress is attendance, being at school regularly, makes a massive difference.
Drop off and Pick Ups
Again, a reminder, please don’t drop children before 7.45am at the earliest and pick them up by 3.20pm at the very latest.
Term Four -Dates
9th December - Junior Prizegiving Years 1 - 4 2pm
13th of December - Senior Prizegiving Years 5 and 6 1.30pm
14th of December - Last day (half day) 12.00 finish
1st February 2023 - First Day back for children
School Bank Account Details -
Now that the PSG has come under the umbrella of the school, we only have one bank account for all payments.
Account 12-3093-0200709-00
Kaurihohore school board of Trustees
As massive thank you to the core group of fundraisers who have worked so hard, you know who you are and I am eternally grateful to you all!
Food for thought…Take some time to look for the magic
Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself, have a wonderful Summer break!
Leslee Allen