Monday, May 31, 2021

Week Five News


Kaurihohore School Week Five, Term Two News 

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou 

This term is ticking away very quickly, so quickly in fact that I thought this week was week four and hence forgot to get the newsletter done last apologies.  

At least with seesaw and facebook we have lots of other ways to keep you up to date with what is going on. Please if you are ever in doubt, message your child’s teacher through seesaw and we will do our best to get back to you.

What I would really like to focus on briefly is the concept of mutual respect and empathy.  As part of a school (or any group) it is important that we all realise we have a part to play.  How we act and what we do impact on others, we can either have a positive impact, or a negative impact.  I know which one I prefer.   Our impact on others in a school is often felt at the beginning and end of the day, when we have the most people on site at once.

Too often we are seeing people block the car pick up line, park in the moving line,  park in dangerous places on the main road blocking vision and walk children across the car park instead of using the crossing.  What you are doing may make your life easier, but it has a negative impact on others.  Please be considerate.  

For a team to function in a happy, healthy way it requires everyone to follow the rules and act in a way that respects the needs and feelings of others.  How can we teach these things to our children, if we ourselves are not willing to actively model them?

Remember to ask yourself - “what if everyone did this?”

Winter Sports - Year 4 -6 

Winter Sports Day, 2nd June - Kensington Park - if you have offered to transport, help supervise children or help on the sausage sizzle - thank you for your offers of help and we will be using each of you. Thank you for your continued support, looking forward to a great day! 

Meet at 8.30am ready to leave at 9.00am.

Gala 2021

Yes, the gala is going ahead this year.  Our fabulous parent support group is working on this, and would love any help you could offer.  Many hands make light work and with people taking responsibility for different areas, it makes the process a little less daunting.

However this event can not go ahead without your support  and there will be many small ways you can help to make this day a fabulous one!

Set aside the date now: 20th of November, we will need a lot of helpers on the day!

What you can do now:

  • Save small wrapped lollies and little toys for our ever popular jolly jars, the more we can make of these, the better.  Send these into school when you can.

  • Save any items at home that you may be thinking of donating for the White Elephant.  Items need to be in good condition in order to sell, so please don’t save junk.  Please note, these items can not be sent in yet and we will let you know when you can start sending them in.

  • Talk to Lena Newport if you think you can start growing plants for the day.

Money raised from the gala will be put towards the all weather canopy that we are building, this is a massive project and we urge you to support the PSG in any way that you can!

Term Dates

Please note that all dates and other information are kept as up to date as possible via our school blog, you can access this at

Term Two

Ends 9th of July

2nd of June - Winter Sports Year 4-6

7th of June - Queen's Birthday

8th of July - Empty Classroom Day (everyone welcome to come and join in)

Term Three

Begins 26th July

Ends 1st October

Within this term will be Cross Country and Sponsored Run (dates yet to be set)

Term Four

Begins 18th of October

Gala - 20th November

Athletics day will also be held within this term (date yet to be set)

Prize giving - 10th December 1pm

Term Ends - 12.00 December 14th

2022 - Return Date 2nd of February

Our Environment - Our Community

Kaurihohore has been a zero waste school for many many years.  We are noticing a lot of plastic waste slipping back into lunch boxes.  Please think about ways you can eliminate this waste from your child’s lunch box, it is one way we can have a big impact on the amount of rubbish in our environment.  

Food for thought….if every child has one piece of rubbish in their lunch box and there are 20 children in the class, that is 100 pieces of rubbish in a week.  If all classes have this amount of rubbish, that is 900 pieces of rubbish.  While one piece of rubbish seems like a small amount, it all adds up, but imagine if we could eliminate that quantity of rubbish, if we could instill habits in our children that encourage them to reduce, reuse, recycle, wow they could make a massive difference in their world!  The bonus is, by eliminating waste, we can also make sure children are able to make healthier choices, packaged foods are usually processed foods.

Like everything else, what you choose to do does have an impact.

Winter Term

As we are now in a cooler term, children do not need full brim hats, if they want to bring a cap along to school, they are now most welcome.  Please ensure your child has a change of clothes in their bag, no matter their age.  For this term, gumboots are great footwear, if your child is not yet able to tie their laces, send them along in shoes that they can manage independently.

Brilliant Podcasts

I urge you to listen to the podcast “I’ve got questions” by Kathryn Berkett and Pio Terei.  Understanding brain development is an important part of what we do at school, but it is also really important for parenting.  These podcasts explore stress and how as parents we can help children to be we help children bounce back and cope with things when they don’t quite go the way we want them to and why moments of tolerable stress are important to help children become independent?   Let’s face it, we all have to learn to deal with disappointments. 

They are short, entertaining podcast episodes available on spotify or they can be found on Kathryn’s website

We are learning a lot from Kathryn’s work and hope you can join in on this journey.

Calendar Art - School Fundraiser

Classes have been working on a piece of art this term that can also be turned into calendars if you wish to order them.  All children will have received an order form.

*Prices are on the order form.

*Over the next few weeks your child will be creating a piece of classroom art in a form that can then be turned into items for purchase.

*To order return the form to the office for each child and please remember to pay at the same time! Every year we have many parents that send the form in but forget to pay which means we have to chase them up and it's a bit of a mission!

* You can pay online to

12 3093 0200 709 00

Kaurihohore Board of Trustees

Please reference your child's name and what the payment is for.


Remember, as with any fundraiser, we appreciate your support, but certainly understand that not everyone is able to purchase. 

 Children’s artworks will be celebrated in their classes regardless of whether they are turned into other items.


Items For The Office

When you send your child’s money or order forms to the office, please make sure it is in a named envelope.  It is unfair to expect Dianne and Chrissie to be doing this for children.  We have a lot of money sent to the office with no name, this makes it impossible to work out who it belongs to and what it was for.

PSG Pizza Fundraiser

- Pizza Pack Fundraiser -

The PSG are organising yummy pizza packs for lunchtime on Friday 11th June. 

2 slices of pizza, cake and a piece of fruit for $7


3 slices of pizza, cake and a piece of fruit for $9

Payment can be made at the school office or online banking into the PSG account. 

Don't forget to place your orders by this Friday 4th June, before the long weekend and also please don't forget to select your topping when you return the green form 😊

Once again thank you for supporting this fundraiser!

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Kaurihohore Parent Support Group


Chocolate Fundraiser - PSG

Thank you for your feedback in regards to the chocolates . If anyone feels like they have done their dash and are struggling to sell their whole box  please can you bring them back ASAP as we have people who can sell them.

For those that are happy to keep going we ask for all unsold chocolates and money to be handed in by June 16th please.

A massive thank you for everyone’s efforts! From the PSG

Need to know now… 

  • Collect items for the gala as detailed at the start of the notice, think about how you may be able to help.

  • Look out for sausage sizzle forms and order by Thursday  if your child wants one

  • Get Pizza orders in if your child wants to order by June 4th.

  • Get calendar orders in 

  • Return your chocolate money to the office as soon as you can

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen

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