Our last day is Wednesday the 16th of December at 12.00pm. Please pop into the office if you are missing a stationery list or class list and you need a hard copy.
Please understand our phone system is not working and will be updated so there is no answering system.
The office will remain open until Thursday if you need a hard copy of anything. It will also be open from the 25th of January.
If you urgently need to contact us over the holidays please email Leslee principal@kaurihohoreschool.co.nz but please remember we are on holiday, so if it is not urgent, please wait till we return back to school.
If you have just moved into our area and need to contact us to sort enrolment, please contact Leslee and Chrissie will be in contact with you when the office opens on the 25th of January.
By now your child will know what class they are in for 2021.
To purchase stationery the easy way, go online to https://www.myschool.co.nz/
From there, you can select your school, your child's class and see the requirements. You can untick anything you already have and then order straight from there.
Alternatively, simply note what your child needs and go into a stationery store and purchase. Office products also has a hard copy of the lists if you wish to go in store there.
Our requirements are pretty simple and as cost effective as we can make them. All we ask is that you please get the books that are stated ready for the start of the year.
Below are some dates you need to know for the start of year.
We wish you a restful Summer and hope you get some time with your families.
Important Year 6
You need to download your child's seesaw journal if you wish to keep it. In 2021 this will be deleted from seesaw when we do the class change process.
If you want a hard copy of your child's report, please message your child's teacher ASAP and we can leave one at the office.