This time of year can be madness. It is important you are able to keep up with what is going on and we try very hard to make sure this information is available to you. Below are all the things you need to know. These items have been included in our newsletter over the last several weeks.
This will be the last notice that goes out, so please put this somewhere safe :)
1) This Wednesday the 13th at 1.30pm is our School Festival of Learning. This is the equivalent of our end of year production. Each class will perform an item. This will be held on the field with the majority of seating available on the bank, please bring a blanket or somethings similar to sit on. There will be some flat area available for those that want to bring a chair. The Kapa Haka group will also perform along with the singing group. We expect this to last for just over an hour, it will be home time at the conclusion of the event, but we will supervise those children that remain. Parking will be available on the grass behind admin, on courts or in the church car park. We will start promptly, please be on time.
2)Thursday is our class swap day. Children will visit with their new teacher on this day for a short time. They will know who is in their class and hopefully this makes them feel more comfortable going into the new year. We have given great thought to these classes, considering social, emotional, developmental needs, rather than academic needs. Our classes are mixed level and mixed ability because research shows this is the most effective approach for children.
3) Friday the 15th of December is the day that reports will come home. These reports will look a little different from past years as we are trying to come up with a format that tells you much more about your child, their achievement academically, but more importantly reports to you on the learner dispositions and habits that we sent home earlier this term . We will be seeking your feedback and ideas on these reports in 2018. Please keep all the information included in the report as we have included information you need for 2018.
A copy of these dispositions and habits is here. Basically these are what we want our Year 6 children to have in place by the time we leave our school, or be working towards these.
4)Tuesday the 19th at 6.00pm is our prize giving night, this will be held just behind the admin area, please bring something to sit on. At this prize giving we acknowledge a range of achievements and encourage everyone to come along, including the juniors. We do not tell anyone who is getting the awards because we want everyone to come along and celebrate the achievements of these children, not just those receiving awards. Parking is available in the church car park on the night. This prize giving is short and will be over within the hour. It will start promptly, please be on time.
5) Wednesday the 20th is the last day of school. We finish late in the year, because we start late. Parent feedback over the last few years has been that this is appreciated, as it is easier to get time off at the end of January, rather than this time of year, so we will continue to do this. We finish at 12.30pm on the last day, you are welcome to pick your children up from 12.00pm. Children all need to be collected by 12.45pm at the latest on this day. If you are unable to pick them up by this time, you will need to book them into after school care as teaching staff will be heading off straight away on this day and will not be here to supervise children.
6) We start back 2018 on Wednesday the 7th of February. In your child's report there will be information about stationery. I have always found it really easy to order from Office Max, the best bit is that the school also benefits from your purchase. You can order online once you know your child's class and specify a delivery date. The order will arrive to your door in time for school, all ready to go. It couldn't be easier. Best miss those back to school crowds! Website here
7) Our beach trip is the 21st of February, please put this date in your diary because we will need your help to get there and assist with supervision. Permission slips will come home in that first week and will need to be returned quickly as there will be a short turn around for our organisation.
8) At this stage our parent information evening (which replaces the classic parent interview) will be held on the 1st of March. Basically this evening will be a time to catch up informally with your child's teacher, talk about how they have settled and share with us anything you want us to know. There will be no interview time as such, but teachers will be available between 3.10pm - 6.30pm in their classrooms. All rooms will be open, so you can wander through, and meet other teachers. We plan to have a sausage sizzle going and the BOT will be in the library, or just outside the library cooking the BBQ so you can talk to them about any questions, ideas or queries you have. They will also have some specific things they would like to know from you.
We are hoping this will make this process a lot more useful for you and more of an opportunity to get together as a community. Of course if you have something important that you need to discuss with your child's teacher you are welcome to make an appointment for anytime that suits both of you at any stage in the year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this year. I am obviously biased, but think we have the most amazing staff, community and children. Together we make a fantastic school and truly are working towards growing great citizens!
I wish our Year 6 children that are leaving us the absolute best. You are well prepared for what lies ahead. Pop in from time to time, we always love to see you!
Have a fantastic holiday break, I hope you get some time to relax and rejuvenate. Best of all, no school lunches for a little while!
Leslee Allen
Links to Important Information
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- Enrolment Enquiries
- About Us - Who we are and what we strive for
- Newsletters
- Reduce - Reuse - Recycle. Reduce lunchbox waste.
- The History of Kaurihohore School
- School Enrolment Scheme
- Bank Account Details for Internet Payment
- Our Staff
- School Hours, Dropping Off and Picking up Children
- Our Board of Trustees
- Learning Through Play
- Parent Information Blog - Helpful articles and other information that answer common questions
- Outdoor Classroom Day
- Well Known Cultural Narratives - depicted in the pool mural
- Zones of Regulation
- Fundraising Information - FAQ
- Helping your child with literacy - spelling and reading
- How we teach literacy at school
- Our Weighty Warriors
- 2023 Annual Financial Statments
- Policy Framework Document - All Policies
- Our School Waiata
- Kaurikare - After School Care
Other Information
- Procedures for Behaviour
- Board of Trustees Minutes
- Internet safety agreements
- Māori culture and language statement
- Play-Based Learning in the first year at school - FAQ
- Procedures for dealing with allergies/medical needs
- School Readiness Ideas
- Child Protection Policy
- Procedures for dealing with bullying
- More Information About Schooling In New Zealand
- Learning Dispositions and Habits
- How are year levels determined?
- Numeracy Stages and Expectations
- Guidelines on Restraint
- Physical restraint policy
- Attendance Policy
- Procedures for learning and wellbeing support
- Strategic Planning 2024 - 2025
- Annual Impact Report 2024
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