Friday, August 25, 2017

Cohort Policy - 2018

Kaurihohore school will be implementing a cohort entry policy next year. This link will give you more information if you have a child starting school next year. Basically if their birthday falls before the middle of a term, they will start on day one of that term. If their birthday falls after the middle of the term, they will start on day one of the next term. To make this easier the Ministry has set cut off dates for each term. We have only had positive feedback on adopting this policy and believe it will make the transition to school easier for teachers and children. Please remember, when a child starts school is up to you, and every child is different. If your child has a birthday before the mid-term date indicated, but you would prefer them to start following their fifth birthday at the start of the next term, this is absolutely fine, just let us know. Chrissie will be in touch regarding visit dates as per usual.

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