Good Citizen Finalists:
Tayla B
And the winner is...
Kamaia! Well done!
Scrap Metal Winner - Luke Tuckey
Principal Awards went to:
Riley - Room One
Petinarose - Room Three
Harrison C - Room Four
Charli - Room Five
Harper - Room Six
Leni - Room Seven
Caleb - Room Eight
Jordan - Room Nine
Great work everyone! See you all next term.
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Friday, April 15, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
End of Term Awards Assembly
This will be held at 12.00pm on Friday. If weather permits it will be held in the courtyard.
This will only be about 20 minutes in duration. This is not a shortened day and school will end as usual at 2.55pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
This will only be about 20 minutes in duration. This is not a shortened day and school will end as usual at 2.55pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Board Summary - Term 1, Meeting Two
Board Meeting – Tuesday 05/04/16
Board Members Present:
Shane Burns – Chairperson
Gina Priestly – Treasurer
Yvette Johnston –Staff Rep
Kylie Foote – Co-opted Member
Leslee Allen – Principal
Brett Hogan – Co-opted Member (as of this meeting.)
Board Members Absent
Main items Discussed at the meeting:
*Curriculum report Term 1 – results are looking as expected for this time of year. School reviews will focus on early foundation skills, in class support systems, vocab development and phonetic programmes to assist children’s progress in writing.
*Teacher Appraisal – this process was discussed and shared with the Board. Teachers will conduct an inquiry that will assist them to build on and improve on their classroom practice. Particular focus is on the use of digital technology, mathematics problem solving and how to accelerate the progress of those children who may be struggling.
*Information for the upcoming ERO visit was collated and approved for sending. ERO will visit in Term 2.
*The KiVa programme was discussed and the BOT were happy to hear that it is having many positive benefits already.
*The bike track is complete. Bikes will be arriving soon and will be stored until we have a permanent storage shed on site. The PSG are currently working on solutions for storage, the shed itself needs to be 11m X 4.8m and will eventually hold all of the bikes and helmets. The two options currently being explored are a permanent structure or a modified container.
*The Board is exploring the idea of installing solar panels in the school. They will begin seeking quotes for this work and will apply for grants to cover the cost.
*The pool will close for swimming at the end of this week. The Board wishes to thank all those people who have helped with the running of the pool. In particular the BOT would like to thank Stu Pearson who has worked hard to roster volunteers and keep the pool running day to day.
*The Board discussed the uniform survey results and believes that the result is too close to not investigate further. Leslee will firm up some ideas around the style and price based on the comments in the surveys and put it out to another vote, to hopefully get a definite yes or no on uniform.
*The Board reviewed and signed off the Education Outside of the Classroom policy. As part of this policy they wish to remind any parents/caregivers taking transport on school trips, not to buy or supply food to other people’s children. This is due to the concern of causing reactions in children with allergies or specific dietary needs.
*The Board reviewed our current enrolment zone and agreed that this needed to stay as status quo. Our roll is currently closed to any out of zone applications (other than those already accepted) as we are experiencing strong roll growth.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 24th of May 7pm
Bike Track
We are very happy to let you know that the bike track is complete. You are welcome to use the track after school or on the weekend. We are not yet wanting children to bring their bikes to school.
Ultimately the school will have a set of bikes and a shed to store them in, but this is the next step in the process.
We will have a fun day to officially open the track early next term, please watch out for details of this next term.
Ultimately the school will have a set of bikes and a shed to store them in, but this is the next step in the process.
We will have a fun day to officially open the track early next term, please watch out for details of this next term.
Out Of Zone Positions
Our roll is currently closed to any out of zone applications, other than those new entrant children that have already been accepted.
You are welcome to place your child on the waiting list, please phone the school office if you would like to do this.
You are welcome to place your child on the waiting list, please phone the school office if you would like to do this.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
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