Wednesday, March 19, 2025

School News - Week Seven


Kaurihohore School Week Seven, Term One 2025

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all.

Respect - Empathy - Kindness

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau,

A big thank you to all of the teachers and whānau who made each year's EOTC adventures such fun events. These events take a lot of pre-planning and organisation. There are a multitude of health and safety requirements that teachers need to put in place to make these days possible. It is fantastic that despite this, these events are still made possible for our children.

It is hard to believe that it is already week seven, the holidays are coming up fast and classrooms are busy places trying to squeeze as much learning in as possible. Please ensure your child is here at school every day unless sick, attendance does make a huge difference to overall achievement!

Leslee Allen


Last week I reflected on respect for ourselves as a staff, noticing that this value is not yet a skill some of our children have developed. Classrooms are working hard to help children learn about the value of respect and to understand how we can show this for others and our environment. We would love your support at home with this.

Children's ability to take accountability for their actions has also been an area of concern for teachers. They are having difficulty with children not understanding or seeming to care about how their actions impact others and how they can take accountability for their actions. Lost property is a really good example of this, children don’t seem to recognise their belongings or have enough motivation to care for them. We urge you not to replace items that children lose, instead, encourage them to be accountable for looking after what is theirs. We are also seeing a lack of accountability in the playground and in the classroom, so much so that all classrooms are putting in place systems to encourage children to engage in behaviours that allow everyone else to listen and to learn. Behaviour has a ripple effect, it can positively impact others, or negatively impact others and children need to understand this. We have noticed an upturn in swearing and disregard for rules and expectations put in place. Basically an attitude of ‘the rules don’t apply to me.’ We need your support with this to get things back in balance. Please actively teach children to take ownership for their actions as it really assists us at school.

ALL children need to be wearing a hat outside in Term 1 and Term 4. These need to have a full brim or a flap at the back. Please support us by ensuring they have one to use each day at school.

We currently have 73% of our children attending school regularly (90%) of the time. While this is above the 2024 target that was set, we do have a number of children with very concerning attendance. Your child's teacher will be in touch this term and over the year if they are concerned about the attendance of your child, asking what barriers there are to your child attending regularly to hopefully get things back on track.


Our target this year is to raise $40 000 to cover learning support needs.
Fundraisers: Term 1

Profits so far:

Baking paper fundraiser - $1013

Ice Blocks - $218

Sausages - $230

Open Fundraisers Term 1

Annual Easter Raffle

Forms have been sent home.

Each family is asked to sell 15 tickets at $2 each.

To boost the raffle, we kindly request each family to donate an Easter-appropriate item. This can include games, art, groceries, etc., and does not have to be chocolate. We currently don’t have a lot of items, so if you have not donated yet, we would greatly appreciate your donation.

Please return tickets, money, and items by 28th March.

Spring Bulb Fundraiser

This has been very popular in the past, and we have a larger selection this year.

Please return all orders by 25th March.

Chocolate Fundraiser for Next Term

A form has been sent home for families to indicate how many boxes of chocolates they would like to sell next term.

Please return this form by 3rd April so we can place our school order, ready for Term 2.

All funds raised will go towards learning support, which assists all of our children.

Thank you for your hard work in making these fundraisers successful! We truly appreciate your support.
Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message. Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm. We will respond the next day as soon as we can. Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are:


Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.

Teacher Only Day

Schools have been assigned two teacher only days to take this year to assist them with the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum. We will be taking ours on the 4th of April.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc. If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in. These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in
Term One - Known Dates

20th Match - EPR08 competition

4th April - Teacher Only Day

11th April - End of Term Awards - 2.10pm (Last day of term)


28th April - First day back Term 2


Last day of the year - 16th of December 12pm finish

School Bank Account Details -

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees
Food for thought…

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

School News - Week Five


Kaurihohore School Week Five, Term One 2025

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau,

It has been a very busy couple of weeks, and our middle school Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) days were a great success. A big thank you to the teachers for organizing a fantastic two days, and to all the whānau who were able to assist during these events. Our senior camp is heading to Lonsdale for three days, and we are confident they will have a wonderful time. For many children, this will be their first experience staying away from home, which is an important learning opportunity in itself. A huge thank you to the senior teachers who have worked tirelessly to make this happen for our students.

Organizing outdoor experiences like this involves massive efforts with many moving parts. In recent years, planning these events has become more challenging, especially considering the significant health and safety requirements. Every odd year, we are committed to providing children with an outdoor experience. For our year one and two children, we organize a trip that includes school-based activities and a slightly extended day. For the year three and four children, we plan two day trips, with the first day including dinner at school. Our year five and six students get to enjoy two nights away from home, experiencing all the adventures that come with camp life. By structuring these activities in this way, we hope every child has at least three opportunities to participate in outdoor experiences.

We are grateful to everyone who supports these experiences. Without your help, they would not be possible.

Leslee Allen


I wanted to share a challenge we are currently facing regarding respect among our students. We are noticing a significant lack of respect for personal belongings, our environment, classroom equipment, and each other. Our school values kindness, respect, and empathy, which we emphasize strongly. However, it feels like we are currently fighting an uphill battle.

We have observed PE equipment scattered all over the school grounds, balls being kicked into neighboring paddocks, and items left out being broken. Despite keeping the PE shed locked, we are puzzled about how these items are being accessed. We are also struggling with ensuring that children wear their hats, and our lost property situation is out of control. In the native garden, rocks are being smashed and moved, leaving our environmental team overwhelmed.

In addition to these issues, certain behaviors in classrooms and on the playground do not align with the respect we expect. This has been challenging for our teachers. We kindly ask that when we bring any concerns about your child's behavior to your attention, you help them take responsibility for their actions. While we understand that there are multiple perspectives and factors in every situation, the first step to helping children own their actions is by isolating their actions and supporting us, rather than explaining them away.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work together to reinforce these core values in our students.

If you are using our grounds after school hours, or have children at sports practice, please ensure they are following the same school rules that we would expect, for example, if they are riding their bike, they need a helmet.


ALL children need to be wearing a hat outside in Term 1 and Term 4.  These need to have a full brim or a flap at the back.  Please support us by ensuring they have one to use each day at school.  


We currently have 74% of our children attending school regularly (90%) of the time.  While this is above the 2024 target that was set, we do have a number of children with very concerning attendance.  Your child's teacher will be in touch this term and over the year if they are concerned about the attendance of your child, asking what barriers there are to your child attending regularly to hopefully get things back on track.  


Our target this year is to raise $40 000 to cover learning support needs.  

Fundraisers: Term 1

Catering/Kitchen Fundraiser

  • Forms were sent home last week.

  • Please return all orders by 7th March.

Annual Easter Raffle

  • Forms have been sent home.

  • Each family is asked to sell 15 tickets at $2 each.

  • To boost the raffle, we kindly request each family to donate an Easter-appropriate item. This can include games, art, groceries, etc., and does not have to be chocolate.

  • Please return tickets, money, and items by 28th March.

Spring Bulb Fundraiser

  • This has been very popular in the past, and we have a larger selection this year.

  • Please return all orders by 25th March.

Chocolate Fundraiser for Next Term

  • A form has been sent home for families to indicate how many boxes of chocolates they would like to sell next term.

  • Please return this form by 3rd April so we can place our school order, ready for Term 2.

All funds raised will go towards learning support, which assists all of our children. 

Thank you for your hard work in making these fundraisers successful! We truly appreciate your support.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 


Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.

Teacher Only Day

Schools have been assigned two teacher only days to take this year to assist them with the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum.  We will be taking ours on the 4th of April.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in

Term One - Known Dates

5th-7th March - Senior Camp

13th of March - Year 1 and 2 trip

20th Match - EPR08 competition

4th April - Teacher Only Day

11th April - End of Term Awards - 2.10pm (Last day of term)


28th April - First day back Term 2


Last day of the year - 16th of December 12pm finish

School Bank Account Details - 

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought… 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Week Three News


Kaurihohore School Week Three, Term One 2025

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai

“If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive”

Kia ora e te whānau,

It is week three already and it is great to see children settling back into the routines of school.  It has also been great to see that the attendance of most of our children has been regular, we thank you for getting your children to school every day.

We do have a few children routinely arriving at school late.  This makes it really hard for them to settle for the day and classroom programmes start straight away.  This means they will miss important learning.  Please ensure your children are on time, unless there are mitigating circumstances that you have advised us of.

It is great to see that we have enough supervision and transport for our beach trip on Friday, so weather permitting, we will be heading off to Whangaumu (Wellingtons Bay.)  

We will meet for a briefing in the front courtyard after classes have done their rolls.  Please ensure your children are here before the bell and that they head to class so they can be accounted for.  

Please read the guidelines that have been sent home today for all families to read.  It is very important we ensure all safety procedures are in place for an EOTC event like this and you play a big role in ensuring our children are safe.

Thank you hugely for all of your support!

Leslee Allen


ALL children need to be wearing a hat outside in Term 1 and Term 4.  These need to have a full brim or a flap at the back.  Please support us by ensuring they have one to use each day at school.  

Pick up and Drop Off

Please read the information sent home regarding drop off and pick up.  Children in Room 1 - 5 will come out at 3.50pm.  If you have a child in Room 6 - 9 they will come out to the courtyard when the bell goes at 2.55pm.  If a class is swimming in that last 2.30pm slot, they are likely to be quite slow coming out.  

 If you have a child in the older class, please come to pick up at the later time indicated.  This should reduce pressure on the line and ease waiting times.

When pulling up into the line, pull up as far as you can, don’t stop in front of the gate, this allows us to get more cars into the line and more children into cars.

If your child is slow getting into the car at the end of the day, it may be easier to find a park and come in and collect them, this will avoid holding up the line.

 If you think your child may not recognise the vehicle that is picking them up, or we might not know the adult by sight, it is possibly best to tell them to park and walk across the crossing to pick up.

Children are not to walk out of the gate and across the crossing by themselves, you must come into the school to get them.  While we understand older children may be able to do this safely on their own, our youngest children can not.  It is important we stick to the rules for the safety of all of our children.

Whānau with intermediate children who get off the bus here at school, please wait till 3.15pm to arrive.  If you are here for a sports practice, please wait till 3.20pm.  Children are all supervised till this time.  If someone out of the ordinary is picking up your child, please phone and let us know.

All children need to be picked up by 3.20pm.

When you drop off children in the morning, please park adjacent to the yellow lines, so children can walk safely up the pedestrian walkway.  Do not park parallel to another car.  If your child gets out of the right hand side, they need to walk behind your car, not in front.  Children can be dropped off from 7.45am, not earlier, they need to wait in the courtyard until the bell rings at 8am.


Regular attendance is crucial for children to be successful at school, academically, socially and emotionally.  As you may know the government is actively working towards improving attendance at all schools.  90% attendance is counted as regular, this is less than five days of absence a term.  Data shows that children who attend at least 90% of the time have a greater chance of being successful and happy at school. 

Please support us by ensuring your child is at school regularly, unless they are unwell.  If your child is going to be away, you MUST let us know.  We also are required to have a reason for the absence as this data is collected by the ministry.  Please advise us of their absence by 9am, you can phone the office, text our cellphone (0275029974) or email  

This is what the pattern of attendance looks like right now:

While 73% of our roll are attending regularly, we would like to set a target of at least 80% of our roll attending school regularly.  We know that regular attendance makes a massive difference to achievement and happiness at school.


Our target this year is to raise $40 000 to cover learning support needs.   The first main fundraiser will be the Easter raffle.  We look forward to your support with this, it is always a great fundraiser and the prizes are well worth winning.

We would also love it if you could send in something to contribute to an Easter hamper.

Contacting Us

You can find all staff emails on our blog page under the tab  ‘our staff,’ however the best way to contact your child’s teacher is via seesaw message.  Teachers will endeavour to answer when they have  time during the day, however please don’t expect replies to messages or emails after 5pm.  We will respond the next day as soon as we can.  Please refrain from using Facebook messenger, or our personal phone numbers to contact us.

Our school blog is

Office emails are: 


Dianne -

Chelsea/Enrolments -

Leslee -

Reporting Absence -

If you have questions or concerns, please direct these to your child’s teacher as soon as you can, so we can nip anything in the bud before it becomes a bigger issue.

Beach Trip - 21st February

We look forward to our trip to the beach on Friday.  We have enough transport and supervision to go.  If your child is going to be absent on the day,  let us know before 9am on that morning.

Teacher Only Day

Schools have been assigned two teacher only days to take this year to assist them with the implementation of the new mathematics curriculum.  We will be taking ours on the 4th of April.


Kindo is an app that allows online payments for items at school like pizza days etc.  If you go to the links below to either create an account, or log in.  These links are also at the top of our school blog site.

Create and account.

Log in

Swimming Timetable 

It is possibly easier just to send children’s togs to school every day as classes do occasionally squeeze in a swim on hot days.


Term One - Known Dates

21st February - Beach Picnic (whole school)

27th and 28th February - Year 3 and 4 day trips

28th February - Zone swimming competition

5th-7th March - Senior Camp

13th of March - Year 1 and 2 trip

20th Match - EPR08 competition

4th April - Teacher Only Day

11th April - End of Term Awards - 2.10pm (Last day of term)


28th April - First day back Term 2


Last day of the year - 16th of December 12pm finish

School Bank Account Details - 

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought…