Friday, July 29, 2022

Week One News


Kaurihohore School Week One, Term Three News 2022

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

Welcome back to a new term.  We’ve certainly had some wet, wild weather and hope that the weather improves so we can enjoy some sunny days.  Sun certainly makes a difference to how we all feel.


It has been great to see children turn up to school with smiles on their faces and despite the bugs going around, attendance is generally very good.  It is great to be bucking those current low attendance trends around Northland, thank you for getting your children to school regularly when they are well.


Our aim is for school to be a happy, safe oasis of learning, where children don’t have to worry about the stresses of the world, where they can be children and grow, learn and develop in an environment that meets their needs.  You have a huge role to play in helping us with that, don’t forget you can catch up with your child’s teacher at any stage if you want to know how you can help further, or have questions.  Sending a message on seesaw is the best way to arrange this.


Looking forward to another fabulous term here at Kaurihohore.


Tangata ako ana i te kāenga, te tūranga ki te marae, tau ana


A person nurtured in a community, contributes strongly to society.

Leslee Allen




Teacher Only Day

As advertised last term, we will be having a teacher only day on Monday the  8th of August.  This is one of the days allocated to us by the Ministry for staff professional development.  On this day the school will be closed to children, only staff will be on site.

Thomas Online Fundraiser -this will continue to run using our code

This fundraiser is being held in conjunction with Thomas Online.  The school will get the profits from any purchase you make using the details below.

If you are looking for gifts for the children in your life, this is the place to go.

Head over to our website, use coupon code KAURIHOHORE SCHOOL, receive Free Shipping and all profits of your order will be sent back to the school. All orders received will be sent directly from us at Thomas Online to your requested address on the overnight courier.

Thank you so much Kylie for your fabulous ongoing support of our school!

Avos to Go School Fundraiser

We have signed up to the Avos to Go School Fundraiser for Term 3!

This is a fundraiser that provides a healthy eating opton!   Avocados!

This will be an ongoing fundraiser.  If you are anything like me, you are sick of buying avocados from the supermarket, only to find them brown inside!  

The quality of these avocados is great, highly recommended by staff who got a sample box!


This fundraiser will run from Monday 1st August to Friday 5th August and delivers to the school on Monday 8th August


Please share with your family, friends and work places.  Super simple they just need to go to to this link with the School Code SCH-KAURI-01 This will ensure the is no Courier fees as is a bulk delivery to the school and the school will also receive fundraising payment for every box sold.


We will share a Facebook post for your to also share easily with your Friend and Family on Facebook


Thank you for your support!  


Lost Property

This term Rūma Pukeko is looking after the lost property.   This will be displayed twice and sent to charity at the end of next week.

Coming Soon - Board of Trustees Elections

Message from our returning officers:

Board of Trustees Election

By now you should have received your nomination forms in the mail.

If you have not received them can you please see Shelley in the office and she can arrange another copy for you.

We have 5 positions available for any parent that would like to come and join the board.  Thank you to those that have put their nomination in and those that have expressed an interest in joining the board.

As a board member you will work alongside the principal to set the direction of the school, while the principal retains the responsibility of the day to day running and decision making in the school.

The BOT meet twice a term and are charged with not being there for individual good, but as a collective group that works and speaks with a common goal. This is a rewarding and very interesting job so please consider nominating yourself.

Nominations close next week at noon on the 3 August 2022.

You can find some useful information here…with some lovely short videos to listen to.




As you will be well aware, we have a few bugs floating around.  The flu, tummy bug and to a lesser extent COVID has hit children hard.  

When children are sick, they need to stay away.  If a child is symptomatic and obviously unwell, please be proactive and keep them home.  

If they have an ongoing cough or slight sniffle, after being sick, we understand, please don’t keep them home because of this, because they could be off forever.

If we are concerned about their health, we will take their temperature and if we feel they need to go home, we will send them home. 

If your child has a tummy bug, please keep them home for 24 hours after they have last thrown up or experienced diarrhoea.  This ensures they are not going to pass it on to anyone else.  

If you want your child masked up inside (which has been recommended, but not mandated) please send them with a clean mask.  We are happy for them to be masked inside and understand everyone has different needs and may have vulnerable family members that need that extra level of protection.

Our best line of defence against the bugs is to look out for each other, if sick, stay home so that everyone else can stay well.   





Each year a special highlight of the Kaurihohore School calendar is Agricultural/Flower Day.  It is part of being in a rural school and the Board and Staff are committed to keeping the rural character of the school.  

Children bring a pet lamb, kid or calf that they have reared to parade and compete in various classes.  

The Board and the school community wishes to encourage as many families as possible to enter an animal for this section of the day, and if you have not considered keeping an animal, or have thought about it briefly and felt daunted by the prospect, we invite you to take a moment to read on.

 Rearing an animal is a wonderful experience for a child and is a focus for their own learning and development.  They will learn how to care for their animal and train it.  They will learn personal skills such as commitment, time management and patience.  This can be a greatly rewarding experience for the child, seeing their animal respond to the care and attention they give it.


All classes will be involved in the creation of crafts for judging, more information will come home about this closer to the time.




Children are encouraged to raise, feed and care for a lamb, kid or calf.

Animals are eligible if they are born between 1 July and 31 August of this year.

Calves are judged for leading, rearing (child’s effort) and beef or dairy type.

Lambs/kids are judged on leading, calling and rearing.

Any competitor may compete at the Whangarei Central Day at Barge Park, Maunu.  This will be held on Thursday 3rd November 2022 with the postponement date Friday 4th November 2022. 

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 5th September 2022, 7.30pm at the

Maungatapere Hall.  If you are wanting your child and animal to participate in this day, you would need to attend this meeting, as they would like all schools represented.

Booklets on animal handling are available at the school office.

Animal feed (Milk Powder) and teats can be obtained from farm supply outlets. Feeding regimes and mixing instructions are always on the container.


Dianne Wyatt in the school office is able to assist with any questions you may have.  Please pick up an entry form from her and make sure this is filled in early, so that we know how many animals we have on the day.



School Cross Country

This will be held on the 17th of August, children can start training now!  More details will be put out soon.



Term Three - Known Dates

Monday 8th of August - Teacher only day, school closed to children

17th August - School cross country (more info to come)

29th of September - Ag and Flower Day

30th of September - Empty Classroom Day





School Bank Account Details - 

 Now that the PSG has come under the umbrella of the school, we only have one bank account for all payments.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen