Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Week Nine News


Kaurihohore School Week Nine, Term Two News 2022

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

This term has been interesting to say the least, and now with so many children being hit by illness, and staff just hanging in there with a touch of just about everything going around, it has become just that little bit more difficult. 

 Our attention during this time turns to just doing our best and hoping that the term break will give an opportunity for a bit of a reset.


I am very grateful to our staff for continuing to soldier on and to maintain normality as much as possible.  As you are probably away, relievers are in short supply and at times we are having to split classes around the school.  While this is not ideal, it is often the only way we can keep classes open for learning.


A big shout out to Chelsea Woods, Shelley Buckton and Savannah Henare, our learning support team.  This terrific trio have been really stretched this term as they provide support for teachers and the learning and wellbeing needs of our children.  We are very grateful to have such a fabulously dedicated team, we would be lost without them, as would our children.


This term we have continued to fundraise to cover curriculum items at school.  I am yet to calculate everything together but it looks like we have made over $5000 so far, which makes it about $10 000 raised towards the $26 000 we are aiming to raise this year.  On top of this we will be raising money for a new turf, so if it seems like fundraising is constant, you would be right.  We are very grateful to the people that have been able to give up their time in any way this term, now that we don’t have a PSG it is up to everyone to do their part to assist.  It is a sad reflection on our funding system that we have to fundraise in this way, but it is a reality we just have to work within.


Your child’s teacher will be sending the next instalment of your child’s report via seesaw in the last week of school.  Please click on view original, so you can read it more easily.  When you have read it, please like the post, just so we know it has been read.  


Over this last week every class has been nominating a good citizen for school voting.  This process sees children nominating a child they believe demonstrates the qualities of respect, kindness and empathy…in each class the child with the most nominations gets put forward for voting.  The overall citizen will be announced at our end of term assembly at 2.30pm on the 7th of July, you are welcome to attend.


And lastly I remain grateful for your support as a community.  Our children don’t always have an easy time, there are sometimes problems and challenges that they need our support with and behaviours that are not always easy to deal with in a classroom that have to be provided for.  

When things are difficult it is always important that we come together as a team, that our children see we are a team and that they can count on the support of everyone that is on their team.  I know that staff are always grateful for your support when they need it.  A positive, supportive relationship makes all the difference to the success of our children.


E hara taku tao

i te toa takitahi

he toa takitini

My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Leslee Allen

Empty Classroom Day - Matariki Celebration - Next Friday!

Our empty classroom day will be the 8th of July (last day of term.)   Set the day aside if you can, come in, do some planting, check out our canopy, buy a sausage, play some games, we’d love to see as many of you as possible on this day!  All whānau welcome.

Thomas Online Fundraiser - Ends This Thursday!

If you have been meaning to pop on and buy something, you still have time, but get in quick!

This fundraiser is being held in conjunction with Thomas Online.  The school will get the profits from any purchase you make using the details below.

If you are looking for gifts for the children in your life, this is the place to go.

Head over to our website, use coupon code KAURIHOHORE SCHOOL, receive Free Shipping and all profits of your order will be sent back to the school. All orders received will be sent directly from us at Thomas Online to your requested address on the overnight courier.

Thank you so much Kylie for your fabulous support of our school!

End of Term Assembly

This will be held at 2.30pm on Thursday the 7th of July.  At this assembly teachers will give our certificates recognising a range of achievements.  We will also recognise those nominated as citizens and announce the overall winner.  Everyone is welcome to come along, this will be held under our new canopy.

Lost Property

Lost property is being looked after this week  by Rūma Tūī (6). The box will be outside of this class and can be accessed any time, by coming into school, you are even welcome to come and look through it on the weekend. The lost property is kept for two weeks and then washed and taken to charity. Children get an opportunity at least twice to walk past the lost property and can look in the box at any time. If any of these belongings are named, they will be returned to your child. We will also endeavour to photograph or video it twice in this time and pop it on facebook. Children often don't recognise their belongings and this causes issues when we try to tell them that the items belong to them. It is important children can recognise the items that they wear and bring to school each day as theirs.

Please encourage your child to be responsible and look after their belongings, generally most classes will keep any property left behind in the classroom, before it is sent to the lost property box. Ensuring items are named, means items will be returned if lost.

The location of the lost property will be written each week on a sign outside the office.

School Disco

Thank you to Lacey Owen and team for organising this great event for our children.  A lovely way to celebrate Matariki.  Raising just over $2000 this was a mammoth effort.  Thank you to everyone that helped in some way.  Thank you to our sponsors!

Coming Soon - Board of Trustees Elections

These are coming up later this year.  A Board of Trustees is in charge of the governance of the school, looking at the big picture in terms of property, strategic goals and finance.  Our board has always remained committed to retaining the special nature of our school while setting strategic targets that continue to drive this forward.  Time commitment is two evening meetings a term and a job here and there relative to the position held.   If interested in what this entails, you could talk to Emma Campbell, Richard Smales, Kasey Hindrup or David Pilkington and get more information.  

You can find some useful information here…with some lovely short videos to listen to.

Matariki - Memorial Garden

You may have noticed the area next to the native garden has been sprayed and roped off.  We are planning a Matariki-Memorial garden for this area.  It will form an extension to our native garden and eventually link to a junior sandpit.  Crofts have donated the mulch, which has been added to the area and then all going well we will plant next week.  This area will be planted as a way to mark Matariki, but will also be a memorial to the time during the first World War, that the school grounds, along with property from several surrounding farms, were requisitioned by the Army, which stationed the Maori Battalion and the 2nd Hauraki Regiment.

If you would like to help with, or support this garden (or future sandpit) in any way you can email Michelle.

Once planted the area will remain out of bounds while plants get established.  We will formally open this area of the native garden later in the year.

The Nest - Te Kōhanga

You may have heard your children mention this space in our school.  This space is based on creating a safe haven for children when they are having big feelings, or a place to work out of when the classroom is just a little too much.  Our lovely team of teacher aides work out of this space and their main aim is to form strong, connected relationships with the children who come into their care.  The nest is based on ‘grandma’s house.’  It is a place to reset, calm and restore.  Children are allowed to use the nest when they need to and it is seen as a great strategy for assisting with big feelings.  We have based this approach on trauma aware and developmentally responsive practice along with what we know about the needs of neuro-diverse children.  It works well and is a fantastic tool for regulation at our kura.




Teacher Only Day

We will be having a teacher only day on Monday the  8th of August.  This is one of the days allocated to us by the Ministry for staff professional development.  On this day the school will be closed to children, only staff will be on site.


Ag and Flower Day

This will be held on the 29th of September, the second to last day of term.  This will be back to normal after last year, with crafts made in classrooms and lambs, goats and calves being judged.  Dianne will put out more info next term.


School Cross Country

This will be held on the 17th of August, children can start training now!  More details will be put out next term.


Term Two and Three - Known Dates

7th July - 2.30pm End of term assembly (everyone welcome, held under the canopy)

8th July - Last day of term and Empty Classroom Day - Matariki planting

Term Three resumes Monday the 25th of July

Monday 8th of August - Teacher only day, school closed to children

17th August - School cross country

29th of September - Ag and Flower Day

30th of September - Empty Classroom Day

School Bank Account Details - 

 Now that the PSG has come under the umbrella of the school, we only have one bank account for all payments.

Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Week Seven News


Kaurihohore School Week Seven, Term Two News 2022

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

As mentioned last week, COVID, along with other viruses appear to be making their way through our school.  For some classes this has seen up to half a class of children absent from school.  We are very grateful for your diligence with keeping children home when they have cold-like symptoms, however if your child is relatively well otherwise, and is testing negative for COVID, please send them along to school.  

Regular attendance, when possible, is very important for ensuring children continue to make great progress.  We have noticed that the last two years have had an impact in terms of wellbeing and academic progress for some of our Year 3 and 4 children, hopefully we can help them to get back on track with regular attendance.


This term seems to have gone by quickly, in the last week of this term, you will receive an updated blurb on your child’s cumulative report.  This is intended to just be a very short update on your child as a learner, for some there will have been changes in their dispositions over the last term, for others not so much.  However by the end of the year this report is a good reflection of the year your child has had.  Assessment results will not be updated this term, but some classes will have been sending home assessment comments this term if they did not do this in Term One.  By the end of the year you should have received two comments in Reading, writing and maths and four comments (one per term on your child as a learner.)  While the termly comments may seem short, remember to multiply this by the amount of children a teacher has in their class, this gives you a more accurate reflection of the amount of effort that goes into these comments, usually done outside of school working hours.


I encourage you to ask your child’s teacher if you are unsure about your child’s level, or want to know more about how you can help.  I also encourage you to come in and see your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or just want to catch up on how your child is going in general.  Please reach out, concerns or questions are best addressed before they become too big.


As always, please make use of seesaw, this is one of our main communication tools and we are happy to respond to messages during work hours.   Teachers always appreciate a like, or a comment on a post, just so they know you’ve seen it.


All classes have also recently completed their happiness surveys.  This survey is conducted once a term and children indicate if they are happy at school, if they feel valued and they also tick if they want to talk to someone about anything.  Kelly Glasgow, or senior leader of wellbeing then follows up on these surveys and talks to anyone that felt they needed to talk.  This information is always really useful and will be fed back to you if needed.  This is a great way to ensure wellbeing at school is a priority and children begin to understand that they will be listened to and have avenues for solving problems.  Thank you Kelly for all of your hard work!


Nicky Cleaver - leader of learning support is also speaking to our priority learners over the next few weeks.  This includes children that are identified as needing extra help.  She talks to them about how they feel about learning, how their teacher helps them and what other support they need.  Again this is really useful information.


Student voice is important to us, if we don’t know about problems, it is impossible to do anything about it.


As always I am incredibly grateful for you all.  Our community is kind, caring and the wrap around support provided for those in times of need really warms my heart.  You are all fantastic!


E hara taku tao

i te toa takitahi

he toa takitini

My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Lost Property

Lost property is being looked after this week  by Rūma Huia (7). The box will be outside of this class and can be accessed any time, by coming into school, you are even welcome to come and look through it on the weekend. The lost property is kept for two weeks and then washed and taken to charity. Children get an opportunity at least twice to walk past the lost property and can look in the box at any time. If any of these belongings are named, they will be returned to your child. We will also endeavour to photograph or video it twice in this time and pop it on facebook. Children often don't recognise their belongings and this causes issues when we try to tell them that the items belong to them. It is important children can recognise the items that they wear and bring to school each day as theirs.

Please encourage your child to be responsible and look after their belongings, generally most classes will keep any property left behind in the classroom, before it is sent to the lost property box. Ensuring items are named, means items will be returned if lost.

The location of the lost property will be written each week on a sign outside the office.

Pizza Fundraiser

Thank you to everyone that supported this fundraiser.  We made $693 in profit! 

A massive thank you to Renee Pilkington for organising this.  Thank you to Crofts workers, Sam Littin and Holly Lucas for handing out orders on the day.

Please note with fundraisers like this, the order for food is put in and paid for a week prior, so we can not give refunds.  If your child is ever away for a fundraiser like this, you are welcome to let us know that you will be picking it up on the day and we will have it put aside.

Next fundraisers are sausage sizzles (one or two more to go) , the school disco and a firewood raffle (thank you to Doug Livermore.   Please watch out for these, if you can help with the next sausage sizzle on the 23rd of June (Thursday) please let Dianne know, she could do with a couple more helpers for this day.

So far this term we have raised $3396.   Thank you to all those that have helped in some way, assistance in any way really helps us work towards our goals.

Pick up and Drop Off

Please do not drop children off before 7.45am in the morning and make sure they are picked up by 3.20pm at the absolute latest.  If you are running late for any reason, please phone and let us know.  

Coming Soon - Board of Trustees Elections

These are coming up later this year.  A Board of Trustees is in charge of the governance of the school, looking at the big picture in terms of property, strategic goals and finance.  Our board has always remained committed to retaining the special nature of our school while setting strategic targets that continue to drive this forward.  Time commitment is two evening meetings a term and a job here and there relative to the position held.   If interested in what this entails, you could talk to Emma Campbell, Richard Smales, Kasey Hindrup or David Pilkington and get more information.  

You can find some useful information here…with some lovely short videos to listen to.

Matariki - Memorial Garden

You may have noticed the area next to the native garden has been sprayed and roped off.  We are planning a Matariki-Memorial garden for this area.  It will form an extension to our native garden and eventually link to a junior sandpit.  Crofts are donating the mulch, which will be added to the area and then all going well we will plant our next empty classroom day.  This area will be planted as a way to mark Matariki, but will also be a memorial to the time during the first World War, that the school grounds, along with property from several surrounding farms, were requisitioned by the Army, which stationed the Maori Battalion and the 2nd Hauraki Regiment.

If you would like to help with, or support this garden (or future sandpit) in any way you can email Michelle.

Planting will happen on our next empty classroom day (last day of term) then the area will remain out of bounds while plants get established.  We will formally open this area of the native garden later in the year.

Thomas Online Fundraiser - Only two weeks left!

This fundraiser is being held in conjunction with Thomas Online.  The school will get the profits from any purchase you make using the details below.

If you are looking for gifts for the children in your life, this is the place to go.

Head over to our website, use coupon code KAURIHOHORE SCHOOL, receive Free Shipping and all profits of your order will be sent back to the school. All orders received will be sent directly from us at Thomas Online to your requested address on the overnight courier.

Thank you so much Kylie for your fabulous support of our school!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ MATARIKI SCHOOL DISCO ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ This Friday!

It’s time to bust out the sparkles and dancing shoes! We can finally hold another disco….

*Friday 17th June 5-7pm, Hikurangi Rugby Club

*$5 per student paid in cash to Dianne please.  No actual tickets will be handed out, as Dianne will be at the door and knows who has paid.  Door sales will be available on the night.

Sausage sizzle, baking, ice blocks and drinks will be available to purchase.

Only current students sorry, we would’ve loved to include last year's year 6’s that missed out due to Covid but due to venue capacity we simply can’t facilitate this.

Also no siblings or friends from outside of the school are able to attend this event, just children currently attending.

Thank you to our sponsors for this event!


Empty Classroom Day - Matariki Celebration

Our empty classroom day will be the 8th of July (last day of term.)   Set the day aside if you can, come in, do some planting, check out our canopy, buy some food, play some games, we’d love to see as many of you as possible on this day!  All whānau welcome.



We have had a bit of wet weather and the school grounds are now quite muddy.  Many of our children love the mud.  Please ensure that your child has one or two changes of clothes and a wet bag to put them in.  If they do not have a change of clothes, they should avoid the mud as we do not have any changes at school for them.  If you do not want your child playing in the mud, please make this clear to them. 



Please ensure children keep toys at home.  These are easily lost or broken and cause major issues at school.  We understand why children want to bring them, but also want to avoid the upset caused when they are lost or broken.  Please just make sure they keep them at home.


Teacher Only Day

It is likely that we will be taking one of our government allocated teacher-only days next term. We are still finalising the date for this, but will let you know as soon as possible.

Term Two - Known Dates

17th June - Disco 5-7pm

24th June - Matariki

8th July - Last day of term and Empty Classroom Day - Matariki planting

Term Three resumes Monday the 25th of July

School Bank Account Details

 Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Week Five News


Kaurihohore School Week Five, Term Two News 2022

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

Halfway through the term already, wow!  It was great to see our Year 4-6 children able to travel to Winter sports last week.  Thank you to our incredible band of merry helpers who raised $1500 for the school by running the BBQ and selling food at Winter sports.  A massive thanks to all that baked, even if their child is not yet old enough to attend.  We have this spot secured for next year and will need more helpers on the day, please consider doing this as it is a great fundraiser for our school and many hands make light work.


It is great to see the canopy getting a great deal of use, it is going to be a great asset to our school.  The turf will need replacing very soon, any fundraising we do, over and above what supports the curriculum will go towards this.


COVID is still working its way through our school, with some families onto their second round.  The senior classes are currently being hit quite hard, please be diligent and watch for any symptoms.  Come in and pick up a box of tests if you don’t have any.  If your child does test positive for COVID, please let us know so we can be aware and then don’t need to ring you every day to see where they are.


E hara taku tao

i te toa takitahi

he toa takitini

My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.

Coming Soon - Board of Trustees Elections

These are coming up later this year.  A Board of Trustees is in charge of the governance of the school, looking at the big picture in terms of property, strategic goals and finance.  Our board has always remained committed to retaining the special nature of our school while setting strategic targets that continue to drive this forward.  Time commitment is two evening meetings a term and a job here and there relative to the position held.   If interested in what this entails, you could talk to Emma Campbell, Richard Smales, Kasey Hindrup or David Pilkington and get more information.  

You can find some useful information here…with some lovely short videos to listen to.

Matariki - Memorial Garden

You may have noticed the area next to the native garden has been sprayed and roped off.  We are planning a Matariki-Memorial garden for this area.  It will form an extension to our native garden and eventually link to a junior sandpit.  Crofts are donating the mulch, which will be added to the area and then all going well we will plant our next empty classroom day.  This area will be planted as a way to mark Matariki, but will also be a memorial to the time during the first World War, that the school grounds, along with property from several surrounding farms, were requisitioned by the Army, which stationed the Maori Battalion and the 2nd Hauraki Regiment.

If you would like to help with, or support this garden (or future sandpit) in any way you can email Michelle.

Planting will happen on our next empty classroom day (last day of term) then the area will remain out of bounds while plants get established.  We will formally open this area of the native garden later in the year.

Thomas Online Fundraiser - From now, through the month of June

Our next fundraiser is being held in conjunction with Thomas Online.  The school will get the profits from any purchase you make using the details below.

Head over to our website, use coupon code KAURIHOHORE SCHOOL, receive Free Shipping and all profits of your order will be sent back to the school. All orders received will be sent directly from us at Thomas Online to your requested address on the overnight courier.

Thank you so much Kylie for your fabulous support of our school!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ MATARIKI SCHOOL DISCO ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

It’s time to bust out the sparkles and dancing shoes! We can finally hold another disco….

*Friday 17th June 5-7pm, Hikurangi Rugby Club

*$5 per student paid in cash to Dianne please. *Tickets will be handed out the week of the disco.

Sausage sizzle, baking, ice blocks and drinks will be available to purchase.

Only current students sorry, we would’ve loved to include last year's year 6’s that missed out due to Covid but due to venue capacity we simply can’t facilitate this.

Also no siblings or friends from outside of the school are able to attend this event, just children currently attending.

Empty Classroom Day - Matariki Celebration

Our empty classroom day will be the 8th of July (last day of term.)   Set the day aside if you can, come in, do some planting, check out our canopy, buy some food, play some games, we’d love to see as many of you as possible on this day!  All whānau welcome.



We have had a bit of wet weather and the school grounds are now quite muddy.  Many of our children love the mud.  Please ensure that your child has one or two changes of clothes and a wet bag to put them in.  If they do not have a change of clothes, they should avoid the mud as we do not have any changes at school for them.  If you do not want your child playing in the mud, please make this clear to them. 


Pizza Lunch

This closes on the 3rd for orders and will be served on the 10th of June.  No late orders accepted.  Thanks to Renee Pilkington for taking charge of this.

Term Two - Known Dates

6th June - Queen's Birthday

10th of June - Pizza lunch

17th June - Disco 5-7pm

24th June - Matariki

8th July - Last day of term and Empty Classroom Day - Matariki planting

School Bank Account Details

 Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen