Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Week Four News

Kaurihohore School Week Four, Term One News 2022

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

It is great to be a few weeks into the school year and see how settled the children are.  I am grateful for your support as a community in this trying time and for all of the hard work staff are putting into making school a stable place to be in what is otherwise a bit of a topsy turvy world.

I am also grateful for your trust at this time and for your vigilance in keeping children home if they are unwell.  This will not be forever, but for now, caution is required.  We are a team, and together we are doing the best we can for our children and our wider community.

We are endeavouring to ensure you have the most up to date information in terms of our plans for COVID, the ground however keeps changing, in terms of requirements and expectations, but we will continue to communicate with you, information that you need to know going forward.

In the meantime, let’s focus on the things we can control, maintaining a sense of calm for our children.

While most events have been postponed or cancelled this term, what has not been cancelled is all the fantastic learning and fun that is going on in and out of classrooms, something to be very grateful for!

Pai ake te iti i

te kore rawātu

Little is better than nothing at all.

Pause, Breathe, Smile

Our whole staff took part in this mindfulness training at the end of the holidays.  It was fantastic, the pause, breathe, smile programme will be taught in classrooms and is another tool we can offer children as they learn about their emotions and how to regulate and relate to others.  You can find out more by searching Pause, Breathe, Smile online.  We also use the zones of regulation programme in classrooms, the restorative practice approach school wide, Te Kōhanga (the nest) and specific individual wellbeing approaches if needed to ensure children are developing the skills they need to have an understanding of themselves and how to relate to others.

I really recommend reading these books if your child is having challenges at home and you are not quite sure what to do. I wish I had read them many years ago.

Problems At School

Any school is not being completely truthful if they claim children have zero problems with mean behaviour at school.  Children are human beings, learning to relate to others.  It is inevitable that there will be instances from time to time when they are on the end of mean behaviour, or display mean behaviour towards others.  As a school we take our role very seriously in helping children notice, name and regulate their feelings, so they can relate positively with others.  Many adults are yet to learn how to do this.

When your child experiences mean behaviour at school and is not sure how to deal with it, please let their teacher know.  Sometimes it will be as simple as a conversation that will help.  Sometimes we may need to instigate other approaches, like KiVa (anti-bullying) or a specific wellbeing approach for your child, tailored to their needs.

The key is, we all have to be part of this process and problem solve together.  There are always several sides to a story.


Lots of opportunities for children to get involved with sport have been recently advertised on our school facebook page.  I have been blown away by the members of our community who take on the responsibility for organising and running sport teams so that all of our children can get involved.  These sports are all parent initiated and parent run so please support them where you can.  A huge thank you for those parents who have chosen to take on these responsibilities, it is often a very thankless task with a huge amount of responsibility.

Toys and Collector Cards

Please remind children not to bring toys to school, this includes cards such as pokemon cards.  Toys cause massive disruptions when they are lost or broken, they also cause arguments when ownership is hard to identify.  

Honey - Still Available For Purchase

There are 30x 500g tubs of Kaurihohore Bee Friends honey available at the school office!  $10 a tub.

Ngā mihi for your support!


Breakfast Club

This is now running, four children at a time to meet COVID guidelines.  Breakfast club is being run by our wonderful Rūma Huia volunteers Marara, Isla, Mya and Ruby, they are doing a splendid job running this!  Thank you girls!


Easter Raffle

Raffle tickets have gone home with your child.

We are requesting that every family in the school sell 15 tickets at $2 each.  Please also send in an item that can be put into the raffle.  This does not have to be Easter themed, it can simply be a grocery item (not expired please) that can be added to the hamper.  There will be multiple draws dependent on the amount of hampers we are able to make up.  

As you are probably very aware, fundraising has been tough for everyone.  As a school we are running on a significant shortfall given that we rely heavily on all fundraising efforts to simply cover our day to day costs.  Any help you can give with this raffle is greatly appreciated.

If you do not want to sell these tickets, or are unable to, please send them back to the office ASAP.

See Dianne if you have any questions, or email



Moosies and Juicies

Friday Moosies and Juicies $2 each

For the next 8 weeks the Parents Support Group will be selling Moosies and Juicies. Orders to the office - please put cash in an envelope with the child's name, room number/name and preference. Orders will be given out on a Friday, except for the last week of this term.

Please get your orders in each week by Wednesday afternoon. Pay per week or prepay for 8 weeks, cash only sorry.

Thank you for supporting our fundraising!

Term One- Known Dates

14th of April - Last day of the school term

School Bank Account Details

 Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Food for thought... 

He aroha whakatō,

he aroha ka puta mai.

If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive. 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Week One News


Kaurihohore School Week One, Term One News 

Manaaki te katoa - be kind to all. 

Respect - Empathy - Kindness 

He whakatauki. Ehara tāku toa i te toa takitahi. Engari, he toa takitini.

Success is not the work of one but the work of many.

Kia ora koutou,  

Welcome to a new year.  We were excited to have children back at school this week and it is great to hear their voices and laughter fill the place once again.

Teachers have been busy planning and preparing over the last few weeks and are very ready for an exciting year.

At the beginning of the year, our priority over everything else is relationships.  Relationships are the foundation of happiness and wellbeing.  Please message your child’s teacher and make a time to meet if you have questions or anything you would like to share.  

We aim for real time reporting, part of this process is simply making an appointment at any time that you need to to discuss your child’s learning or wellbeing at school.  You can do this by messaging your child’s teacher.

Obviously we are facing the impact of a pandemic on the procedures here at school.  These were sent out via seesaw, email and facebook.  Please take time to read them.

Our ultimate aim is to make school as normal and fun as possible.  

I am very grateful to our school community for your ongoing support. Together we will get through this strange time…with kindness, empathy and respect.

Here’s to an interesting term!


Please ensure children wear a sun safe hat (not a cap) to school.  They also need a bottle full of water, while the water fountains are on, we would rather children were bringing their own drink bottle.  Togs are required for swimming, please refer to the swimming timetable that was sent via seesaw as classes do not swim every day.  Children are welcome to bring bikes, scooters and skateboards from home.  

Beach Trip

Sadly this can not happen within the red light setting.  We are sad to see this happen as it is a great way to get together as a community.  We will try to hold this at the end of the year if we are able to.


Honey - Still Available For Purchase

Don't forget our Bee Friends honey is still available from the office!  $10 for a 500g tub. 

This would make a great Christmas gift.

This is the honey collected from our hives by our BeeFriends 2020/2021 group.

Thanks for supporting us and thank you to Tahi Honey!

Just come along to the school office with payment and they will be able to help you out.


Strategic Plan 2022-24

This is available for viewing via our blog site.


Annual Report - 2021

This is also available for viewing via our blog site.


Breakfast Club

This is not yet up and running.  We are currently thinking of ways this can run while we are in the red setting.  Please ensure children have a great breakfast at home before they come to school.


School Bank Account Details

 Account 12-3093-0200709-00

Kaurihohore school board of Trustees

Term One- Known Dates

7th of February - Waitangi Day Observed

14th of April - Last day of the school term

Food for thought... 

Noho ora mai - stay well, look after yourself and look out for others!

Leslee Allen

Our strategic Plan

Strategic Plan - 2024

This plan sets out our direction for the next three years.  We are excited about the goals that have been set.