Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Loose Parts Playground

This a great little video to watch.  Although our playground is far more spread out, this is our aim.  To allow children the freedom to be themselves, judge risk, problem solve, cooperate, negotiate, be active, work in a team, develop gross and fine motor skills and most of all experience the richness of play that is not directed by an adult.

If you have access to any safe loose parts that you believe the children would actively use in our playground, we would love to have them.  You can drop them off just behind the admin area and the children will relocate them.

The photos below give you an idea of what loose parts for the playground may look like, but the possibilities are pretty open, from barrels to plastic pipes, children will use it all!

It may look like a mess to us, but to children, this playground is a treasure trove and super exciting and empowering, because they get to create it themselves.