Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Heading Into 2017

Here are some important things you will need to remember for 2017:

*Start of Term 1 is 7th of February and will end the 13th of April 2017.  The last day of 2017 will be the 20th of December.

*The office will be open from the 31st of January from 9am-3pm.

*Any urgent communication should be sent to, it is likely that only urgent communications will be replied to over the holiday break.

*Stationery is best purchased from Office Max, using this link, you will just need to know your child's class number for 2017.  The school benefits from any purchases you make using this method.  Children all need to have their stationery from day one of Term One.

*The school donation for 2017 is $100 per family with a $30 materials contribution per child.  If paid before the end of Term One a $10 discount per family will apply.

*While children are allowed to begin arriving at school from 7.45am in the morning (no earlier) we prefer this only to happen if you have no other alternatives.  From the beginning of 2017 children at school before 8am will be asked to go to the library.  This is to ensure they are in a safe secure place when there are often only one or two staff members on site.

We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2017.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Community Notice

Lynette Taylor has just been into school. She wants us to inform the Kauri community that mail is being stolen out of letter boxes. Please make sure you empty your letter boxes daily. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Festival of Learning - Wednesday 7th December

This will start promptly at 1.45pm.  It will take place behind the admin area so bring something to sit on.  This will run for approximately an hour.

Order of events:

1. Kapa Haka group
2. Room 1-2-3
3. Room 4-5
4. Room 6
5. Room 7
6. Room 8
7. Room 9
8. Music group

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Finalists For Good Citizen Of 2016

The children are voting today and the winner will be announced at prize giving.





We were very sad to see Kamaia move to Australia this year, she was an awesome role model for others.  Thank you Kamaia for being such a great citizen of Kaurihohore School....we miss you!

Good Citizen - Term 4

Congratulations to our finalists this term:

Room One - Israel
Room Two - Ruby F
Room Three - Ben
Room Four - Sharna
Room Five - Jaimee
Room Six - Sam
Room Seven -Leni
Room Eight - Charlotte V
Room Nine - Naia

And the winner is....

Leni ....Well done!