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Other Information
- Procedures for Behaviour
- Board of Trustees Minutes
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- Māori culture and language statement
- Play-Based Learning in the first year at school - FAQ
- Procedures for dealing with allergies/medical needs
- School Readiness Ideas
- Child Protection Policy
- Procedures for dealing with bullying
- More Information About Schooling In New Zealand
- Learning Dispositions and Habits
- How are year levels determined?
- Numeracy Stages and Expectations
- Guidelines on Restraint
- Physical restraint policy
- Attendance Policy
- Procedures for learning and wellbeing support
- Strategic Planning 2024 - 2025
- Annual Impact Report 2024
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Play Based Learning
Room One have been learning in a play based environment this year. We are currently developing more outside areas to invite children to play and imagine more. If you have any ideas, or skills that could help us in this area, we would love to hear from you.
This 'car,boat,bus,train' has been a big hit! Thanks to Peter Gwyn and Paul Allen for putting it together for us.
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
New Entrant Information Evening
Our Term 3 information evening is especially
targeted at the newest members of our school. If you child has started school recently
or is due to start this year this meeting is for you. This is an informal
evening aimed at giving you all the information you need about your child’s
first year at school. It is also the time for you to ask any questions you may have.
Please RSVP to the school office by the
2nd of September for photocopying purposes. If you have previously attended an
information evening the content is the same.
Any people wishing to enrol their child are welcome to attend.
Digital Learning - Information Evening
Digital Learning Information Evening-Monday September 5 5:30 -6:30 in Room 7
Last year it was indicated on our community survey that digital technology was an area you wanted to know more about. Therefore we have arranged an informative workshop for you to attend.
You are invited to an information evening to find out about how digital learning happens in the Kaurihohore classrooms! We will be looking at the basic ways digital technologies are used in our learning, have a few cyber safety tips and have a special guest speaker to talk about ‘Future focused learning’. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions so if you have something you’ve been wondering about then this is the perfect chance to ask.
We will need a minimum of 10 families to RSVP for this evening to go ahead and yes…childcare will be available on site, please make sure you indicate that this will be needed on the form below so we can make arrangements.
Please fill in the RSVP slip below and return to the office ASAP to register your interest.
Yes, I will be attending the Digital Learning Evening on September 5th
Name:_________________________________ Signed:__________________________
I will be needing childcare for ______ children.
Calendar Orders - 2016
Don't forget to get your calendar orders in. This closes Friday the 26th. The art is always awesome on these and they are well worth buying. More order forms are available from the office.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Cross Country - Friday 12th of August
At 10.05am the school will assemble on the courts.
All races other than the Year 0/1 races go outside of the school
grounds. It is very important that cars are parked and not exiting the
school during the events.
Times on these events are approximate and we often run ahead of
time, please do not expect office staff to know which races have run or
are due to run, your best bet is to be there during the block of your
child’s race e.g. if they are in year 3, come for the morning block
before morning tea. The block of junior races are often over very
(NB This inter-school event will be based on age rather than year
10.15 New Entrants Year 0 (Girls/Boys) - 1 lap around field
10.20 Year 1’s Girls/Boys– 2 laps around field
10.30 Year 2 Girls/Boys - 1 lap around school
10.40 Year 3 Girls/Boys- course running up to 100km sign
11.00 Morning Tea
11.35 – 8yrs competitive (Girls/Boys) Trophy for Junior Champ
12.00 – 9yrs competitive (Girls/Boys) Trophy for Middle Champ
12.20 – 10 + yrs competitive (Girls/Boys) Trophy for Senior Champ
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