Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Board Of Trustee Elections


These are being held this term.  Nomination forms were mailed home a couple of weeks ago. If you have not received them, we have extra copies in the school office.  If you would like to be part of the future direction of Kaurihohore School, please put your name forward to become a member.  
Nominations close on 20th May at 12 midday.  Completed nomination forms can be left at the office.  Information booklets are also available in the school office.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Bike Track Opening

On Friday the 13th we will open our bike track with a 'monstrous' bike day. Children can dress up as a monster...or something else monstrous. They may also bring their bike if it is in good working order. They must have a helmet and they must be able to ride their bike confidently. At 9am the school will complete a lap or laps of the bike track. Parents/Caregivers and younger siblings are welcome to also bring their bike and join in. Classes will be given time slots throughout the day to use the bike track.