Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Show your KiVa colours day!

To launch The KiVa anti bullying programme within our
school, we will be having a “Show your KiVa Colours” day.
KiVa colours are red, blue, green, and orange. Dress up in
one of these colours on Wednesday 16th of March. We will
also be having a shared lunch. The children are to bring a
small plate of food in one of the KiVa colours. Classes will

carry out some colour related activities.

For more information on this programme go to...

Kapa Haka Update


We have had a few queries lately about where we are up to with Kapa Haka this year and we thought it would be useful to run a brief update and to share what our vision is for 2016.

As some families will remember in 2013 and 2014 Kapa Haka was run outside of school hours and paid for by those attending (and topped up by the school.)

In 2014 major fundraising was undertaken to raise money for uniforms.  This was successful thanks to a great bunch of hard working volunteers.  $4,183.44 was raised altogether.    This money was used to pay for uniforms, end of year function, travel & koha to Mangakahia Festival. 

In 2015 the decision was made by the Board to fully fund Kapa Haka so that the whole school could benefit and those children unable to attend after school could take part.  It also gave Matua Shane a more permanent place in our school and ensure he was receiving a consistent payment from week to week as he had set himself up as a business.  From remaining funds of $1,375.76, $1,000.00 was carried over to pay for an extra hour of tutor time for the Kapa Haka group.  Alongside this the school set aside $4,124.00 of operational funding to pay for school wide Kapa Haka.  The remainder of fundraising money was set aside for travel and festival costs.  As this was not used in 2015, it has been carried over to 2016 to go towards any costs related to the Kapa Haka group.

Whilst the Kapa Haka group continued to run in 2015, the option of lunchtime was not a terribly popular one for the children and numbers especially of senior children dwindled and were not consistent from week to week.  Unfortunately Ben Douglas who was responsible for Kapa Haka also left mid 2015.  Because of these issues the staff have shuffled times around this year so that the Kapa Haka group will practice every Tuesday in the middle block between morning tea and lunchtime.  So far they have had one practice and there are 49 children who have put their name down to be part of this group.  Children will have three sessions to decide if they want to commit to Kapa Haka for the year, and then will be expected to stay in this group.

Class sessions will focus largely on learning basic Maori language through song and dance.

The Board will completely fund Kapa Haka in 2016, and are very proud to do so.  Tuesday sessions cost $207.00.  This is a significant financial investment, however in the opinion of staff and board it is a very important one.

What we would like to see happen in 2016:

1   Our group be polished enough to attend a festival, or perhaps organise our own with a couple of local schools.
2   Uniforms be sorted for each child in the group so these can be easily used.
3   Be able to give our group regular opportunities to perform and perhaps for a community volunteer to work alongside Shane so that they can lead the group when he is not available.
If you are interested in helping with any of these things please come in and see Yvette Johnston.  If you know of someone who may be able to take a leading role in this group when Matua Shane is not available please let Yvette Johnston know.

If you have any other ideas or questions about Kapa Haka please come in and see Yvette or Leslee, or email Shane Burns (BOT Chairperson) on

We look forward to providing a positive year of Kapa Haka in 2016.

Kaurihohore Board of Trustees

Easter Raffle

We have decided to run a raffle for Easter this year.
Please could every family provide an Easter appropriate
item (this does not need to be chocolate). If these items
can be dropped off to the school office as soon as possible,
so we can make up the packs. We are asking each family
to sell at least 10 tickets please. These will come home this
Friday 11th  March, please check your child’s bag. The
money we raise will be going towards a new shade sail

over the sandpit which is badly needed. THANK YOU!